This time we return with a guide with the objective of explaining to you How To Make Pals Transport Items to Another in Palworld.
You can rely on your Pals for more than just defense in Palworld. Additionally, they may be a great help around the house, whether you need them to carry things or help you construct them. But how can you direct Pals to carry objects to certain locations in Palworld?
At your base, you can only have Pals who have the Transporting Work Suitability transport items. If you want your friends to bring you stuff, verify their details before putting them to work at the base. Doing so is as simple as interacting with your Pal Box, selecting a Pal to learn more about, and then clicking the "Info" option.
When you click this, a page displaying that Pal's stats, abilities, and appropriateness for work will load. There will be a colored cardboard box next to "Transporting" if a Pal can transfer stuff. You can also view the degree of expertise.
Due to the lack of a designated station, it is not possible to assign a Pal to carry objects in Palworld. Instead, Pals who aren't given a particular station to work at will look for assignments that match their skills. So, if your transport-capable Pals aren't already busy with another mission, they'll go looking for goods that require moving and get them done for you.
When you're making plans for your foundational process, remember that pals with a higher Transporting skill level can move heavier things. Finding a small number of Pals that aren't interested in doing anything else that would benefit your base is a good strategy to guarantee a consistent supply of transport Pals. In this way, they will constantly prioritize transporting food and gathered products when looking for employment.
However, how do Pals in Palworld determine which locations to deliver things to? Although there are a few techniques to keep Pals in line, it may be somewhat challenging to direct them to move objects precisely where you like.
Typically, Pals will bring an item to the closest suitable storage location. If you want to get the most out of your chest placement, try putting it close to the source of your resource's mining or production. They tend to choose the closest available space when storing harvested commodities like wood and stone.
Whenever a Pal sees an opportunity to move food to the Feed Box or the fridge, they will do so. If you would like them to store food and ingredients somewhere other than the Feed Box, you should maintain those slots full because they can be greedy and will always go there unless it's full.
Even if you have an excellent supply of wood conveniently located close to a tree, Pals might occasionally act independently and steal stuff from your inventory, sending them to an unrelated chest. This may be an intentional design choice by the developers, but it can be a pain if you enjoy a well-organized base camp.
Changing the Pal's assignment or manually restocking the chests with the desired stuff may help the Pals "learn" your preferences. Simply said, individuals are more likely to do what you want them to do if you limit their alternatives for where to take things.
So we come to the end of this explanatory guide, now you know How To Make Pals Transport Items to Another in Palworld, just do it and enjoy it to the fullest.