Edelmira Leon
2022-07-24 20:30:44

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If you are here, it is because you want to know how to join an alliance in Star Trek Fleet Command, which we will address for you below.

What is an alliance in Star Trek Fleet Command?

Alliances are a special mechanic that you can use to cooperate with other players, so that together you can engage in different activities, so that players cooperate and interact with each other. But if you don't know how to join an alliance in Star Trek Fleet Command don't worry, because here you will find everything you need to know.

How to join an alliance in Star Trek Fleet Command?

The first thing you have to do is unlock the Alliance button in the bottom left corner of the game screen. When it is available, you will have to tap it to access the Alliance menu > access the Alliance list sorted by Power or other statistic and select the one you want to join.

Alliance types in Star Trek Fleet Command

There are two types of alliances in the game:

  • Public Alliances, these are free, and you can join whenever you want.
  • Private Alliances, these as the name says, are private, and you will only be able to join them if you are invited.

This is all you need to know about how to join an alliance in Star Trek Fleet Command, so now that we have finished, we hope we have been as helpful as possible, and we hope you can access any of the two types of alliances whenever you want.

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