Daniel Hidalgo
2019-07-04 18:24:27

Recently, Destiny 2 has launched the last Quest exotic weapons, where players will have to perform and complete the Lumina Quest. Lumina Quest is not as complicated as one might expect, however, there is a task that is costing many players a job, a task in which you will have to get the Fast Invader Kill in Gambito.

The task of get the Fast Invader Kill  in Destiny 2, is part of a chase in which they will also have to kill the guardians with hand cannons in the Crucible, create 50 orbs of light and finally the task of get Fast Invader Kill in Destiny 2, the one that is giving work to the players. This is because they have to wait for the right time to come.

Destiny 2 - Lumina Quest - EASY INVADER KILL

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how to get the Fast Invader Kill  in Destiny 2.

First of all, in order to get the Fast Invader Kill , you'll have to get the medal called, "Not on my watch" in Destiny 2. This is precisely to get the Fast Invader Kill in Destiny 2. You will have a time limit of only 10 seconds in which you will have to carry out your task without any member of your team being discharged.

Naturally, we are aware that it really is not a simple task, so we have prepared a guide to help you complete this task as easily as possible, so be prepared.

Get the Fast Invader Kill in Destiny 2.

The first and the main thing that you will need to be able to complete this task will be a good team of fire and by saying fire team we refer to good weapons.

First, the option for you, is the rocket launcher of the Truth, this rocket launcher has a good level of damage, in addition to the shots themselves are quite fast which will allow you to get good results.

Secondly, we have the sniper rifle known as the Izanagi charge with Honed Edge active. You will have to pay attention to the moment in which the enemy has a prepared invasion, have your rifle ready and look for the invader, aim at the head and open fire to finish it off.

The invaders.

Something that must be understood, is that in a map there are three possible places in which the invader can appear, these are in the north, the west or the east, so you will have to pay attention to them. Just make sure you are not so over the spawn because this will make it appear in another. Try rather to be very aware of the three possible places where you can appear to go against him as soon as possible.

You have to consider that Lumina is still a very new Quest, so the developers may find themselves working some kind of honor system for the invaders, after all, they also know that there are a lot of people trying to complete the Lumina Quest so They can resist death at any moment and the air of competition begins to blow with great force.

After you get the medal Not on my watch, what remains is to cut and bake, the complicated part will be over and the hand cannon will be at your feet.