Lidia Rozo
2021-09-29 22:22:53

We continue to search New World, and therefore we indicate where to find feathers and turkey.

What does it mean to find feathers and turkey in New World?

This is a necessary search task that is usually done in this game, and it tends to be done with more emphasis, this because feathers specifically tend to be a highly valuable craft resource, in this sense, knowing where to find feathers and turkey leads us to consider embarking on a necessary search and this makes it vital to consider:

  • Locate turkeys or turkey nests.
  • With the feathers we are allowed to make some objects.
  • With the feathers, we can make bows.

Where to find feathers and turkey in New World?

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This is a search task that usually occurs early in this game, even only when we start this game will we be able to see the turkeys, they are usually found regularly in the farmland and in the same way in the forests, in this sense, it arises If it is necessary to embark on Windsward to locate some amount of turkeys and therefore the respective feathers that we require, we must clarify that it is necessary to be careful when conducting the search because on these sides there are usually wild animals such as wolves or wild boars.

  • Finding the feathers and turkey makes it necessary to be careful to locate these types of creatures that are skinned.
  • These turkeys usually flee every time we try to get close, however, it is necessary to take care of chasing them long enough until they have no option to continue moving and therefore we can capture them.
  • Once we manage to catch a turkey, it is usually essential to skin it, and give its feathers the deserved use, this because they are usually favorable in the elaboration of some objects.

It is good to keep in mind that the turkey must be killed before skinning it, this if we are interested in receiving some additional rewards among which are usually:

  • Pens.
  • Raw meat.

Now that you know where to find feathers and turkey, it is time to launch yourself in this search and in this way make objects of interest in New World.