Daniel Hidalgo
2021-09-29 22:08:55

Read on, so you know how to find Woodlouse bait, because now that the New World has been released it will be useful to know from now on.

What is Woodlouse bait in New World?

This is one of the many baits that you can use in the game to fish, in particular this will be useful when you want to catch freshwater fish.

How to find Woodlouse bait in New World?

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This bait can be found by searching in forests, near bodies of water. But it is rare to find when searching bush spawn, compared to Nightcrawler bait.

When you manage to find an area of bushes in which there is Woodlouse, we recommend that you collect all the bushes in that place, since the more you have, the more frequently you can go fishing. Keep in mind that Woodlouse Bait is a good way to catch freshwater fish, but you won't always catch fish when you successfully catch it, which does increase your chances of finding high-quality fish.

That's all you have to know about how to find Woodlouse bait in New World and now that you know, we hope you can find this loaded quickly, so that you get as many quality fish as possible.