Angel Marquez
2021-10-03 19:21:39

With our New World guide you will learn more about how to find saffron.

What to know about New World?

Cooking recipes will play an important role in our need to improve our skills throughout the game, there are 12 herbs of great importance, among which is saffron, to locate them we must consider some specific places for their cultivation, for more details that allow us to find them, let's see the content of this guide available below.

How to find saffron in New World?

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In all areas of the game we are going to find the herb plants, through these we can find specific resources such as saffron, but not all the time they drop what we are looking for, so we have to focus on the appropriate areas for this resource that We seek, these being Brightwood, Mourningdale and First Light, starting from these places we must consider First Light and Brightwood among the best for saffron, but there are reports that even few are obtained in Everfall, from the regions the best possibility is going To have in First Light, the sickle is required for harvesting and there is no other requirement for harvesting.

We can conclude that knowing how to find saffron is easier than thought with these indications, you just have to apply them and continue progressing in New World.