Angel Marquez
2023-11-15 00:24:44

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Discover the secrets of How to complete Old Lady Easter egg in Modern Warfare 3 and unlock hidden rewards.

Welcome to another Call of Duty Easter egg hunt! In this blog post, we will delve into the world of Modern Warfare 3 and uncover the secret Old Lady Easter egg. This hidden gem is a tribute to an iconic prank video that circulated the internet, featuring an elderly lady frustrated with ongoing warfare. Discovered by player TheMW2Ghost, this Easter egg can be found on the Underpass map. So, grab your controller and let's get started!

How to complete Old Lady Easter egg in Modern Warfare 3

Locating the Door Resembling the Original Video

The Underpass map in Modern Warfare 3 serves as the setting for this Easter egg. To begin your search, you'll need to load up the map and make your way to a specific door that closely resembles the one from the original prank video. This door is located near the middle of the map, on the side of the tunnel that runs through the center.

When you approach the door, you'll notice its striking resemblance to the one in the video. It's a weathered, metal door with a small window at eye level. This door will be your gateway to the Old Lady Easter egg.

Revealing the Pixelated Image

Now that you've found the door, it's time to reveal the hidden surprise within. Equip your weapon and prepare to shoot at the door. As you fire upon it, you'll notice that pixelated parts of an image will start to appear. Keep shooting until the entire image is revealed.

It may take some time and precision to uncover the full image, so be patient. The pixelated image is a testament to the effort put into this Easter egg and adds an exciting element to the gameplay.

Appreciating the Nostalgic Gesture

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The Old Lady Easter egg in Modern Warfare 3 serves as a wonderful tribute to the original prank video that captivated the gaming community. This nostalgic gesture has been well-received by players who remember or were part of the Call of Duty community during that era.

By incorporating elements from the viral video, the developers have shown their attention to detail and their desire to create a memorable experience for players. This Easter egg is a testament to the love and dedication put into the game and provides a fun and nostalgic moment for those who discover it.

Exploring Other Potential Easter Eggs

While you're on the hunt for the Old Lady Easter egg, don't forget to keep your eyes peeled for other hidden surprises throughout the remastered MW2 maps. The Call of Duty franchise is known for its unexpected Easter eggs that add an extra layer of excitement to the gameplay.

As you explore the maps, be open-minded and remain vigilant. You never know what secrets might be lurking around the corner. The developers often include these surprises to reward players who take the time to thoroughly explore the game. So, embrace the adventure, and let the Easter egg hunt continue!

Congratulations! By completing the Old Lady Easter egg in Modern Warfare 3, you've added a fun and nostalgic element to your gameplay. The attention to detail and the tribute to the iconic prank video make this Easter egg a memorable experience for players. As you continue your journey through the Call of Duty franchise, remember to stay open-minded and continue exploring for other potential hidden surprises within the game's maps. The developers have a knack for incorporating unexpected Easter eggs that make the gaming experience truly special.

MW3 2023, modern warfare 3 (2023), Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2023)
PlayStation 5 PS5 PlayStation 4 PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PC
First-person shooter
Sledgehammer Games, Treyarch, Infinity Ward, Beenox, Raven Software, High Moon Studios, Demonware
Release date:
Single-player, multiplayer
age rating (PEGI):

Other Tags
video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam