Metaphor ReFantazio Spektos is the single most surprising and unimpressive boss in the entire game. You basically run around in circles chasing the Necromancer through the cathedral until you finally reach the crystal, and this thing shows up: the Spektos. Enemies that you will be facing are pretty strong, so equip yourself with better gears. On Metaphor ReFantazio here is how you would take down the Spektos further toward the Necromancer, Zorba.
Once at the crystal, you will be facing the Spektos. After you have saved the hostages and reached the Reception Chamber, there are a couple more things to be done.
You get this feeling once you enter the chamber with the crystal-that it either warns you or asks if you are ready. What that usually means is some big fight that is usually about to happen with bosses. Defeating all those Spektos standing guard over these crystals is what you would have to do. You will come up first with five big Spektos.
Because you are up against five Spektos right away and must thin out your enemies or suffer massive damage with each opponent's turn, the very beginning is actually the most critical phase of the fight.
Changing out some archetypes is a good idea before you enter the combat.
The Ultimate Guide to Fighting Spektos: His Weaknesses and the Best Archetypes to Utilize
You will want to add the new Brawler class you acquired following the linking with Catherina to save the hostages, since Spektos is weak to Light-based damage or attacks. Energy Ray Synthesis is a "one-shot" ability unlocked by the Brawler class. If you want your knuckles to do mild damage when attacked, it would be a good idea to purify them in the church, Grand Tran.
Two classes of Brawler have access to this combat, allowing you to spam Energy Ray Synthesis and one-shot these Spektos. These Spektos can reproduce, so getting rid of them fast is important. The ability to summon additional Spektos is an ability that will turn the tide of combat, which can be possessed by a Spektos. But if there are three living, I have never seen them use Summon.
Take one of them down with Energy Ray Synthesis right from the beginning of the battle. If your Synthesis combinations are not ready yet, you can hit a single Spektos and make lots of damage to it.
Use guard, some sort of defensive skill, or maybe even Hulkenberg's taunt if she remained a Knight archetype in most situations.
These Spektos absorb physical damage, so they are helpful in defense situations when your character cannot inflict an attack. Furthermore, one of the most threatening aspects of a Spektos is that it can use its Last Resort ability and thereby sacrifice itself to deal approximately 100 damage to each member of the party. You should always try to keep your party's health above half since you have no idea when they will do this.
These strong attacks hurt a lot less when your stat in Endurance is high. This is a good characteristic to level up if you are lacking in Strength or Magic, since you can always find ways to make up for your deficiencies.
Hexs everyone with the Curse Chant, mainly just the last thing you would want to worry about. This is annoying because if you rely on using a Synthesis attack, having one person hexed cancels the attack. For the most part the Curse Chant will miss, but will still cripple one of your party members.
These Spektos also use some wind-damaging attacks called Cyc and Gacyc aside from the aforementioned dangerous strikes. You will also be continuing your hunt for the Necromancer once you defeat the Spektos.
Now that you know How to Beat Spektos in Metaphor ReFantazio, you can apply the guide and get rid of this adversary.