Daniel Hidalgo
2021-08-15 22:18:36

We have prepared the following article so that you know how to spin in Madden 22 and we have everything covered in detail for you.

What is Madden 22 about?

This year is nearing its end and each time series of games, they begin to launch their versions of the year 2022, this is one of them. Version 22 of the American football simulation video game based on the National Football League has just been released, after being developed by EA Tiburon and published by Electronic Arts on August 16. So if you have not started playing yet, even if you have already, this guide will be very useful if you want to learn to spin.

How to spin rotate in Madden 22?

The first thing to do is make sure you have enough space before attempting this move, as doing it too close to a defender will make it much more difficult to activate the animation due to lack of space.
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Saving enough space, to give it a spin, you will have two options.

The first is to press the Circle button on PlayStation or B on Xbox) or Circle

You can also use the right stick on any controller by turning it clockwise or counterclockwise, although counterclockwise is more effective, keep in mind that you can choose which direction to turn. In a clockwise direction, the ball handler will move to the left, while in the opposite direction, the runner will move to the right.

The key is to use the spinning movements carefully, always keeping the space between the defender and the ball handler.

Now that you know how to spin in Madden 22, you are ready to master the spin in every game, the key is also in the practice, so practice until you become a master of the spin.