Lidia Rozo
2023-02-15 16:21:34

Find out how to find Falbarton Castle in Hogwarts Legacy. Here you can learn about the castle's location and what to expect once you arrive.

Finding the Castle

In order to find Falbarton Castle, you must zoom out on the world map until it appears east of Hogsmeade, close to some ruins. It is recommended to walk there from Hogsmeade to take in the view, or you can fly there via broomstick. Once you arrive, you will find a Floo Flame fast travel point to the south. The actual castle is just north of this spot, and you will need to wait until nightfall in order to access The High Keep and meet Natty.

Traveling to the Castle

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In order to reach the castle, you must solve various puzzles and complete specific side quests. One such quest requires you to open the main gate with a spell called Wingardium Leviosa. This spell will allow you to enter the castle grounds. Once inside, you must use a spell called “fire” to light the torches and open the gate to the keep. After doing so, you will be able to access the upper levels of the castle, where Natty is located.

What to Do at the Castle

Once you have entered the castle, you will be able to speak with Natty, who will provide you with information about the Merlin Trials. These trials are a series of puzzles that you must complete in order to gain access to the High Keep. Inside the High Keep, you will be able to find a group of butterflies that will provide you with a magical neep, which will let you access the castle’s inner chambers.

Finding Falbarton Castle in Hogwarts Legacy is an exciting and rewarding experience. With a little bit of detective work, a few spells, and some puzzle solving, you can gain access to the castle and meet Natty. The Merlin Trials are challenging and rewarding, and the magical neep will open the door to the castle’s inner chambers. So grab your wand and get ready for an adventure of a lifetime!

key to an ancient, world action rpg set, dark wizards, open world action rpg, harry potter books, spells brew poti
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Action role-playing
Unreal Engine 4
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