Mondstadt is the first region in Genshin Impact, filled with several spots that are fully filled with mysterious treasures that have to be discovered. The Windwail Highland is a fascinating location filled with pristine waters, foliage, and treacherous landscapes where adventurers can find 19 Anemoculi, which can be presented to the Statue of the Sevens to enhance stamina and unlock extra rewards.
While most of the Anemoculi in this area are easy to collect, a few will indeed puzzle players on their first playthrough of Genshin Impact. This guide will be your ultimate tool in collecting all of the Anemoculi in Windwail Highland.
Find the first Anemoculus in Windwail Highland to the west of the Windrise Statue of the Seven, sitting on top of a cliff. Simply climb to the top to obtain it.
Find one of the two Anemoculus present in the beautiful town of Springvale. Find the Anemoculus sitting on top of the roof of the center-right house in the area.
To find this Anemoculus, leave Springvale and head toward the Windwail Highland Statue of the Seven. As you move along, you'll cross some Anemograna en route. Use it to create a gust of air that will help you pick up the Anemoculus.
Head back to Springvale to find the second Anemoculus hiding in this charming area. Climb the cliff that's close to the exit of Springvale. Once you reach the ledge, use the Anemograna to rise and collect the Anemoculus.
Fast travel to the Windwail Highland Statue of the Seven, then go straight forward until you reach the edge of the sharp cliff where you drop down. As you are falling down, look at the Anemoculus which is there, floating by.
Make your way to Springvale and journey to the shores of Cider Lake. Discover the Anemoculus perched gracefully atop the lake. Utilize a Cryo character to craft an ice bridge, providing the elevation needed to gather the Anemoculus.
Head to the teleport waypoint, which is on the outskirts of Wolvendom. Climb the cliff directly in front of the teleport waypoint to find this Anemoculus stuck in a tree.
To get to this location, head straight up the cliff from the previous location and jump off the top. The Anemoculus can be found floating above four destroyable stone structures.
To get this Anemoculus with ease, just glide from the Windwail Highland Statue of the Seven. This will get you right to the plateau in Wolvendom. You will find the Anemoculus standing atop a pillar with heavy vine growth at its base. A Pyro character will be able to burn off the vines, making it pretty easy to climb up the pillar.
Alternatively, you can climb onto the nearby pillar and jump from it to capture the Anemoculus.
Travel north from the teleport waypoint that is situated near the Cecilia Garden domain. Three Anemograna are waiting for you to activate the wind current that will help you obtain this Anemoculus.
Head out from your previous position and you'll come across several stacks of fragile rocks surrounded by some Hilichurls. Break the rocks to find the Anemoculus in it.
Getting this Anemoculus is easy as it's literally on the rooftop of the Dawn Winery. You can just go to the rooftop of the building itself and you'll find the Anemoculus waiting there for you.
This Anemoculus in Genshin Impact isn't that easy to find. The mini-map marker doesn't give the location of the exact position of the Anemoculus. To begin, turn on the Anemo Monument that is situated on a cliff above the waterfall of the Dawn Winery. This will create a wind current and rings for speed boosts. Use the wind and follow the rings to trace the path leading to the Anemoculus.
The last Anemoculus of Dawn Winery is very easy to get to and is in the tranquil lake that the Winery overlooks. Ice bridges will again be the way to obtain the Anemoculus, just like the sixth Anemoculus described in this guide.
Head to the waypoint at Springvale lake and turn left from there. You'll find a cliff you can climb, where the Anemoculus sits on the edge.
Continue forward and find the Anemograna, which you will be able to turn into a wind current with the help of an Anemo character's abilities. Use the wind current to easily reach this Anemoculus, which is placed a bit above ground level.
Head down from your previous location until you come across a gorge. All you have to do is jump down into the center of the gorge, and it's waiting for you there.
This Anemoculus is right at the camp area near the foot of Dragonspine. When you're up high, there's no Anemograna to help you create a wind current. To get it, you'll need to climb up a tall pine tree just near the Anemoculus and glide from there.
The last Anemoculus in Windwail Highland is located at the edge of this region, adjacent to the Brightcrown Mountains. An Anemo Slime will conceal the Anemoculus. Choose to either bypass it or remove it to acquire the Anemoculus.
Now that you know Windwail Highland Anemoculus Locations in Genshin Impact, use this guide to locate them without any difficulty.