These are the combinations of gem links in Warhammer: Chaosbane.
Warhammer: Chaosbane, is an RPG based on a world devastated by war and dominated by magic, where you will be the last hope of the Empire of Humanity against the hordes of Chaos and to make things easier, there are gems. If you want to know what are the link combinations of gems in Warhammer: Chaosbane, continue reading.
Blessing team in Warhammer: Chaosbane
You should know that the amount of gems in each slot will depend on the level the character is at. Example, at level 34, there will be a number of gems in each slot equal to 34.
You will have the possibility to bless an element as many times as you want. However, when you try to bless an item that is already blessed, it will be canceled. So you should make sure to bless the element with the combinations you want.
It combines two gems in all the slots, in order to maximize the statistics in an article. However, there is a slot that can not be combined. This throws a raw stat and if you put a red gem inside it will hurt you.
Unlock the "bless the gear" function before. Play through the campaign and eventually unlock this. You will have to place a link gem between the gems that will be combined.
Red = Damage
Orange = Damage
Blue = health
Green = Health
Red + Orange = Armor Piercing
Blue + red = critical damage
Green + red = critical hit probability
Green + blue = armor
Orange + blue = maximum energy
Green + Orange = Counterattack Damage.
We remind you that Warhammer: Chaosbane is available on PS4, Xbox One and Microsoft Windows.
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