2018-12-02 23:20:47

Berggren and Stilwell know what the fans want for a comeback, that's why they offer Warcraft III: Reforged, the experience to make it innovative without losing the essence of the Classic. I think one of the best things about our team is their level of experience and having both people who know what it's like to work [in Warcraft 3] firsthand, and those who were inspired by this game to enter Blizzard or want be developers. Stilwell reveals to him that the secret of the success of Warcraft III, is the same Warcraft community: I think doing it right can cost you hours of sleep, but one of the best things about this deeply rooted community is that we are always in contact with it and they tell us how to do things right. If we now release a patch, they let us know when we do it wrong. At a certain point, anything can become a classic, right? Sometimes we joke and assume that we should be considered the zero team. More or less responsible for the origin from which the games are born ... and towards which they end up returning. And that's the fun of us. We do not have a fixed goal but we plan to make a breakthrough project able to hook the fans and from there to see what is next Since we are a small team, everyone has to do something that, in normal circumstances, does not correspond to them.

You can see how those in the design department help art managers or producers and, at the same time, producers will also work on the art of play and design. I do not want it to be misinterpreted as something negative. We are a small but fighting team, and we are very proud of what we do with the resources we have.

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video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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