Samurai Shodown Tips: Disarm Opponents easily - Ultimate Guide

Daniel Hidalgo
2019-06-25 17:52:51

Knowing how to disarm opponents in Samurai Shodown can allow you to get a very good lead during a bout. Keep in mind that the Samurai Shodown video game, the fight naturally is everything, because you'll want to know how to disarm the opponents. This is precisely why we have prepared for you a very complete and timely guide in which we will tell you exactly how to disarm your opponents without much trouble in Samurai Shodown.

How to disarm opponents in Samurai Shodown.

In case you were wondering what we mean by disarming the opponents in Samurai Shodown, basically speaking of leaving them is to leave them with no element with which they can defend themselves and attack us. Although they can always use their hands and feet, they will not do as much damage as if they had a weapon in their possession.

Knowing how to disarm opponents in Samurai Shodown will allow you to make your enemies much more vulnerable by not having a defense mechanism capable of having enough power to protect them.

In this guide we will not only tell you how to disarm the opponents in Samurai Shodown in one way, but we will tell you four ways to disarm the opponents in Samurai Shodown.

throwing weapons

The first way in which we are going to tell you how to disarm the opponents in Samurai Shodown is to know how to handle the techniques of throwing weapons which you can use multiple times in the same game, fulfilling the following characteristics:

236B + C.

Only usable during Max Rage / Rage Explosion

Sword Clash.

In order to disarm opponents using this method, you will have to wait for the right moment, in which your opponent and you swing and their weapons collide, right there press the attack button quickly and whoever is slower will be disarmed.

Try to be as fast as possible and wait for the exact moment to press the attack button before your opponent so that the disarmed does not end up being you.

You can only use this method when there are 16 seconds left once per round and when both players have at least 160 left in their Samurai Shodown life.

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