Daniel Hidalgo
2019-02-15 14:01:01

It was to be expected that after the end of Far Cry 5, Ubisoft made a spin-off that would accompany the last title of the main branch of Far Cry, because that's what the company has done lately. So, Far Cry: New Dawn is exactly a direct continuation of Far Cry 5, which honestly does not mean it's a bad thing. Here we present a little Far Cry gameplay Review.

 The Our Far Cry: New Dawn review will take place in Hope County itself, but with the huge difference that will be seventeen years later, with residents who suffered a lot, but managed to recover from the nuclear devastation and are ready to leave the places where they sheltered themselves to repopulate the outside world and recover completely. However, in this installment you will continue to see a tyrannical and violent oppression that will do whatever it takes to have power before others, so the responsibility falls back on you to stop the enemies and so the residents achieve what they want.

 After the nuclear bombs detonated by Joseph Seed and all the years that passed, many would think that the environment of Far Cry: New Dawn would be very desolate, worthy of a post-apocalypse, but it turns out that it will not be like that, because, although You can see some differences in the region, the changes did not become huge.

 The reason is the following, after the nuclear devastation that occurred at the end of Far Cry 5, a phenomenon occurred that caused a super flowering, leaving the county again submerged in a lot of vegetation. This idea, although it is different from what is normally seen after a nuclear disaster, shows in a certain way a nice post-apocalypse. But if we think that Hope County in the previous game already had an isolated rural environment, which it had as a fortress: mountains, rivers, forests and lakes; it does not leave the feeling of despair that many would expect for this new title when associating events.

 As is already normal in Far Cry, in this installment it is again assumed an anonymous role, with the difference that the rank of this character is superior, we stop being a novice (as in Far Cry 5) to become the captain of the safety of a group led by Thomas Rush. However, it would be very well received that Ubisoft left aside this type of role that has no effect in narrative terms.

In this Far Cry: New Dawn review like its predecessor, has the same progressive orientation for the exploration and progression of open worlds, focusing on the main missions, while, if you want to discover secondary activities such as the treasure hunt, the enemy's outposts and the missions on complementary recruitment you will find them by the own organic exploration of the game.

Far Cry New Dawn: Launch Gameplay Trailer | Ubisoft

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Another point to consider is the map that has this game, since it is smaller than Far Cry 5, this makes it more concise, but it leaves you with a feeling of little freedom. In FC5, the game you started in the middle of the map and you had the freedom to explore in the direction you like most and with Far Cry New Dawn is different, since, you will start in the bottom corner of the map, which will push in a certain way constantly and linearly to the north while you recover part of the territory.

 And if that were not enough, part of the backdrop will focus on returning to the base of the faction of rebel survivors to which the player's character belongs, called Prosperity, just located in that area where you started the game. You must take the resources to this base to improve your facilities, because these will be the ones that bring more improvements to your character, such as perfecting your weapons, changing the percentage of the life bar in the infirmary, improving the level of the Gunmen paid by AI in the training camp, among other things.

Just having to be constantly going to the base is what prevents you in some way from moving freely north, because Ubisoft introduced something never before seen in the previous deliveries of Far Cry. As New Dawn has elements of RPG, such as damage numbers, which certainly changes the rules of the game with respect to weapons.

 Both the weapons and the enemies will be divided into four different ranges, so to advance you will have to look for handicraft materials to improve the base, and as stated above, thanks to that you will improve your weapons workshop and build better ones that will help you to defeat the enemies of higher rank and be prepared to advance on a path that is raising the level of threats.


It should be noted that the armor, suits and defense numbers are not entirely relevant to your growth, but are the weapons themselves, since these in ranks 1 and 2 obviously will do a minimum amount of damage to those enemies that are of rank 3 very well armored and of rank elite.

Those who try to push the limits of the game to move quickly because it seems annoying not to have so many freedoms, will have to take into account that the demands of the history missions will simply prevent you from going too far, because the developers were responsible for designing everything so that the advance is given properly. And if you still think you can do it, you have to think that on the way you can find a rank 3 bear and spend hundreds of bullets to shoot him down or something worse can happen to you simply because he is not level with the enemy.

So, the best thing is to lower the expectations of freedom to which you were accustomed to the style of Far Cry 5 and let yourself be carried away by the game as it should be. In this way, the RPG style system of the game can feel invisible if you play it correctly.

Even, once you have access to all the first level weapons, everything will turn to your favor from that moment, because with your weapons you will manage to shoot the enemies of rank 1 and feel that the damage it causes is the that it should, even it is possible that just shooting him in one foot would be enough to get him out of the way, something that is very helpful while you are in trouble.

On the other hand, it may be that you do not feel a considerable growth with weapons or vehicles, since the arsenal is not very different between the different ranks, which can cause the sensation of not distinguishing much before the production of damages that is expected .

In guns of rank 1 are guns, shotguns and rifles, but those that have greater rank are those that basically have an increasing quantity of scrap and adhesive tape, as if these elements were some type of component with magical properties that manage to improve the operation of the weapon. Spray paint, pipes and aerosol cans can give guns and cars a striking and attractive appearance, but beyond that, it is difficult to feel that they change their familiarity in the use they are given.

The only weapon that can be considered as taken out of the post-apocalypse, is the new Saw Launcher, a very good exception compared to the other weapons, to tell the truth, because this improvised weapon shoots circular shutter blades, and in the versions of High levels, it's really remarkable changes, like the amazing ability to shoot saw blades with distinctive bounce, boomerang and turn.

 After assuming outposts that are within your range, regardless if it is treated through a stealth or aggression mode, the experience is still pleasant, even encourages you to repeat them with greater difficulties to obtain more resources.

Al Far Cry New Dawn was added seven self-contained missions, called Expeditions, that will be carried out outside of Hope County, focused on snatching and capturing objects, but after you reach your goal and have to flee the place because they are Following all the enemies, it is usually difficult to stay to admire the environments that are shown in these large and diverse maps. You can see pieces like an aircraft carrier and even an air accident closely related to Splinter Cell, or a New Orleans amusement park among those Expeditions missions.


The fact that the game is quite concise can cause a notable lack of time for the plot and the protagonists to be developed, for even Mickey and Lou, the twin sisters (antagonists) leaders of the enemy faction "Sailors"; would be more interesting characters if they were developed a little more, there are few interactions with some characters and that simply causes you do not have many intentions to give them so much importance.

Although the inclusion of women to be antagonists is very gratifying, it is an addition of fresh air for the saga, since previously they were only male villains: Vaas (Far Cry 3), Pagan Min (Far Cry 4) and Joseph Seed (Far Cry 5). ).

The lagged connections with the characters may even exasperate because of the relative worldliness that occurs in the missions of history, for example, there are insubstantial persecutions, close combat that can be considered forced and even a simple slow trip in boat.

In a strange turn of events, you get the ability to jump in the air, become invisible, have super speed or super strength. And yes, even if it seems strange to you, these sudden superhuman powers that you have access to at any given moment, without a doubt, change the way you approach the world with these new powers, until it is the best part of the game.

It is possible that they arrive somewhat late to the plot, implying a real pain, because at that point it is possible that you already have adequate equipment to face the enemies that have an elite rank.

These powers are a very welcome addition, they change the way of combat we are used to in Far Cry, they even take you to the great fantasy of superheroes, terrorizing enemies with your invisibility, running so fast and sending a rival to fly. with your own fists. You could even shoot explosive arrows during the battle as if you were Hawkeye of The Avengers or Captain America when you temporarily collect the shields of your enemies and hurl them with great force.

The ideas that have been implemented to Far Cry: New Dawn really have a huge potential, however, it seems that the developers did not give it the space or consistency they deserved. This does not mean that the game does not become appetizing, because the form of progression and combat of Far Cry 5 reach taking you forward because they are still convincing, although in reality there is the feeling that with such ideas could have achieved better results.

Tags: Far Cry New Dawn Review • Gameplay

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