Daniel Hidalgo
2019-02-18 23:18:10

Apex Legends, the videogame of Battle Royale of Respawn, is based on surviving with your team, you can order weapons and equipment or point out the locations of the enemies with the game's ping system, revive the members of your team that have been down, among other things, but is basically based on working together with your team and know the skills of each legend to perfection to achieve collective victory.

One of the 6 unlockable legends of Apex is Wraith, being one of the most versatile characters, although it is designed to excel as a tactic of hitting and running, it has abilities similar to those of Mirage, such as those of a liar and can also handle recognition duties of Bloodhound in some emergency.

And it is from Wraith who we are going to deal with, we have some data and tips from this legend that you must know in order to get the victory for your team.

Apex Legends How to play Wraith : Tutorial/Tips and Tricks

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Passive ability of Wraith:

With a voice the legend is warned if it is in danger, so this skill will be very useful for both you and your colleagues to be able to warn them if necessary. The voices of Apex Legends are whispered so we recommend you use subtitles or use headphones, although if necessary we recommend you use both, you must bear in mind that when using headphones, if you receive any warning is not audible to enemies. Remember to also use the warning button to inform your colleagues in case of any imminent danger.

Tactical Ability: While Wraith travels empty, she can become untouchable and almost invisible, and she also moves very fast so you can use this ability to escape the ring while closing. Keep in mind that you can not pick up weapons or objects, see enemies or allies, attack, open or close doors while in a vacuum.

Wraith has one of the best Ultimate abilities of Apex, and is that you can leave open portals with your fallen comrades so that they can appear in a safe place, you can also take advantage of the increase in speed that you have when placing your first portal in order to escape from Wall.

If you have Bloodhound, you can use it to place the portal, explore some buildings to get materials and if you see any threat to come back and get rid of the enemy.

After getting the Voices From The Void skill, Wraith has the possibility of becoming untouchable, the voices warn when you are in the sight of a sniper, if you hear again that you have a sniper on top, it is best to warn your teammates and use the skill of Into The Void, to become invisible and untouchable. But the Into The Void ability also has some flaws, so we recommend you use it to escape from any shooting or ambush. You can also use the ability to reach fallen allies or flank enemies.

But if you want to handle this skill perfectly, we recommend you to learn all the details of the Apex map so that you know where you are and what you are doing at the moment of becoming invisible.

Be careful of the shadows that inhabit the void because they are neither enemies nor allies, they are Wraith because they are caught between the dimensions, you can also see every result that you have done or will do in that or other universes.

However, despite the attacks you can do with Wraith's abilities, they may be insufficient for a bloodhound, the technology tracker allows you to see where it has gone and see it through the walls. So, if while you play and you see a Bloodhound, you should take it out first.

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video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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