2019-04-05 15:10:25

The bug that worries users the most prevents Orisa's Fortise from making her immune to Doomfist's blows.

Fortise offers Orisa a damage reduction of 50% damage for four seconds, in addition to making it immune to any effect that affects its movement during these 4 seconds.

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Orisa has less mobility

Winston can jump to fights or get away from danger.

Reinhardt can use the load to reposition.

And then Wrecking Ball, is one of the most mobile Overwatch heroes.

Having very little mobility, Orisa becomes one of the most vulnerable objectives of Overwatch, when running the risk of being pushed out of position without Fortification by a variety of skills, and regain the position is very complicated.

And maintaining a position is of paramount importance both for survival and to be able to perform well within the team. And this is very difficult without Fortify, playing such an important role.

But the bug that is presented Overwatch seems to make this impossible, The latest update of the video game of firing in the first person, makes the Rocket Punch of Doomfist reject Orisa while using Fortify.

Orisa is only rejected if she is moving towards Doomfist when the hit arrives, and also is not as big a blow as she would be if she were not using Fortify.

Possibly the update brought the bug.

This latest Overwatch update makes adjustments in the way recoveries work, possibly these settings brought the bug.

Hopefully the developers are already working to fix the problem and get 100% Orisa again, so keep in mind that Fortify will not completely protect you from the Doomfist hits, but if you manage not to walk towards Doomfist when you get hit , it is possible to avoid it.

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video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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