With our help you will see that knowing How to get Captain's Authority in Frostpunk 2 is easier than you think.
The Captain's Authority in Frostpunk 2 is one of the most powerful Rules Laws that the Council can enact, giving almost unlimited authority to the player. This is a very sought-after Law for players who wish to rule the City with an iron fist and impose a new world order. It allows you to be the only one allowed to make decisions and safe-keep the City against Frost, continuing to keep it alive.
Captain's Authority is the very final word in the Rule Laws in Frostpunk 2. You get an unlimited authority meaning you would essentially cease being the City overseer but Captain in Frostpunk 2.
This Act removes the Trust system; all Factions and communities follow your every word. There's no dissent, no disapproval. Moreover, every Law becomes accepted without opposition in the Council, since the word of the Captain is a law. Such authority means you rule the City with a rod of iron, making you a supreme dictator whose every command carries the force of law.
The Captain's Authority in Frostpunk 2 is an ability that lets you concentrate your leadership, and it's activated via the City controls next to the Generator. Instituting measures to restore your authority will automatically end any ongoing Civil War or protest in your City. The Factions lose their fervor and back down under your command. The notion of freedom has gone and replaced it with an interest bestowed upon the ones in power to do whatever it takes to keep order.
Captain's Authority is one of the powerful abilities in Frostpunk 2, which players can use only in desperate moments like Civil War or a coup. The option that will open during Chapter 5 in Story mode is called Uphold Order; it will trigger the unlocking of the Captain's Authority. In the game, there are two ways to get Captain's Authority.
To enable the Captain's Authority in Frostpunk 2, one must have passed all of the previous Rule Laws. With the beginning of your administration to the City, it is advisable to keep upholding your Rule Laws that you have implemented at the beginning of your rule. The Rule Laws require a supermajority of 2/3 or 70% to enact and more likely to be passed during those situations when tranquility is present and confidence is high.
It will be better if the passing of Guided Voting Rule Law is emphasized, as it enables you to influence any vote at your discretion. In guiding, you lead those who have not decided yet on your way to ensure that your legislation has been passed.
With this power active, all the Rule Laws will be unlocked. Some of the very useful Rule Laws include the Bureau of Propaganda and the Secret Police, which will become very useful later in the game.
After any Rule Law, you will have to put the Captain's Authority to a vote. The communities and groups are more likely to be giving you this authority in times of anarchy like a Civil War or a coup. Put the Guided Voting Rule Law into action to lock all votes in your favor and then pass the Captain's Authority Law into law.
If you don't feel you have the stamina to guide your revolutionary proposals through the legislative process and then to wait for official ratification, you can always try arranging a rebellion to break up the existing power structure and seize control of the leadership.
Don't even think about staging a coup unless you have at least 120 Guards available. You can hire additional guards from other factions if you need to, or hire guards from the settlements or areas you explore in the Frostlands. Adoption of the Steward's Militia Rule Law is a great strategy to ensure you will have enough Guards. This allows you to recruit civilians into your retinue and prisoners in exchange for a reduced sentence.
With a build-up of 120 Guards or higher, access the City Control option on the Generator and choose the coup action to elicit a rebellion. In a nutshell, it will lock up, capture, and kill the present member of the Council while putting you at the head as the sole ruler and government within the City in Frostpunk 2, enabling you to utilize the Captain's Authority.
As it was said above, Captain's Authority is one of the most powerful laws which could be established by Council in Frostpunk 2. Since the very moment the law is in place, Trust becomes permanent in the City and all the benefits get abolished. Everybody who rebelled and showed their discontent is treated as severely as possible, which resulted in a complete lack of unrest in your city.
The Captain's Authority actually gives you the most significant upper hand in the City, and at this moment nothing can bring you down from that position. Another ability that Captain's Authority allows you in Frostpunk 2 is to pass laws without any resistance or opposition. You can now make the harshest laws you want without resistance from districts and factions in your metropolis.
One of the coolest things about Captain's Authority in Frostpunk 2 is the fact that it lets you solidify your leadership-especially during Civil War. With the aid of this provision, you can cement your authority and be the sole undisputed leader in the entire City. Make sure you already have 45 Guardians before choosing this option in the Generator's City Control menu.
Once complete, a speech bubble will pop up. In it, you can choose to decry one or both factions. Later on, you'll need to construct a solitary settlement for the Faction or Factions that were denounced based on your decision. Later on, highlight the settlement and click "Start Enclave Relocation" to start moving the Faction(s) into the permanent internment camps.
Coming to such a decision in Frostpunk 2 being one of the most brutal decisions places you as a heartless ruler-your word is Law in the most literal interpretation. Choosing Captain's Authority in Frostpunk 2 will get you a unique end-credit scene that shows you what has happened because of the choices you had as a leader.
That's all there is to consider regarding How to get Captain's Authority in Frostpunk 2, you just have to follow the instructions to achieve it and progress in this great game.