Avec notre aide, vous verrez que savoir comment débloquer Marty et Doc de Retour vers le futur dans Funko Fusion est plus facile que vous ne le pensez.
Avec Funko Fusion, vous pouvez vous lancer dans un voyage fantastique qui relie d'autres mondes. Cette aventure sera encore plus amusante si vous connaissez les personnages de ces autres mondes. Vous pouvez également participer à une expédition qui comprend tout, des séquences de films divertissantes comme Shaun of the Dead aux jeux vidéo comme Freddy's Nights.
Bien évidemment, vous n'êtes pas limité aux voyages entre les dimensions. Que diriez-vous d'un voyage dans le temps ? Et que diriez-vous du monde caméo de Retour vers le futur ? Et si vous le déverrouilliez ? De cette façon, vous pourrez étendre votre collection de figurines Funko pour y inclure Doc et Marty.
Débloquer le chapitre de Retour vers le futur est la première étape pour débloquer Marty et Doc. « Dilopho nous a vus », le chapitre d'ouverture de Jurassic World, est nécessaire pour cela. L'étape suivante consiste à visiter le magasin Roy's Records du chapitre.
La seule façon de passer le garde de sécurité et d'entrer dans le bâtiment est d'utiliser les capacités d'Allison d'Umbrella World.
L'étape suivante consiste à ouvrir la porte en plaçant une batterie complètement chargée à côté d'elle et en utilisant le jeton que le garde vous donne. Ensuite, utilisez l'ampli que vous pouvez trouver dans les coffres bleus de l'univers de Scott Pilgrim, soit avec Stephen Stills, soit avec Scott Pilgrim, pour briser la barrière de verre qui se trouve entre la porte ouverte.
Il est désormais possible d'accéder aux archives de Roy. Récupérer la couronne à l'intérieur débloquera le chapitre « Retour vers le futur ». Dès que vous commencerez le chapitre, Doc et Marty vous supplieront de les aider à voyager vers le futur.
Vous devez terminer l'objectif principal pour débloquer Marty, mais vous devez également rassembler sept couronnes d'argent dispersées dans le chapitre pour débloquer Doc.
Marty vous informera que les pneus de la DeLorean sont déchiquetés une fois que vous aurez tourné à gauche après avoir démarré. En plus de cela, il vous dira que Doc est dans la tour de l'horloge. Localiser les pneus et donner un coup de main à Doc seront vos principales priorités.
Pour débloquer Marty, vous devez terminer l'histoire du chapitre. Vous devez contacter Doc pour terminer l'histoire de ce chapitre. Vous pouvez y parvenir en endossant le rôle de Scott Pilgrim ou de Stephen Stills. Vous devez d'abord vous tourner vers la droite, loin du bâtiment Roy's Records. Approchez-vous de la structure marquée du panneau « Essex Tricera Cops ». Achetez un Bounce Pad à la machine bleue située à gauche de cette structure.
Jump in front of the Essex building using another Bounce Pad while holding this one, and then put it behind the sign. After that, go back to the blue machine and purchase an amplifier this time. Get to the top of the building by using both bounce pads. Locate the red mark on the roof's left side and position the amplifier there.
The light-blue front of the Amp should be facing you, and it should be pointed towards the roof with the balloons across from it. The sound waves will guide you to the inflated ceiling if you shoot the Amp. Another Bounce Pad is located there; utilize it to leap to the elevated wooden platform.
You can tell you need to purchase another Amp by looking for another red mark on this platform; this will direct you to the blue machine adjacent to the Essex building. Get it to the platform and set it up such that it faces the big building across from you. Use sound waves to soar over to the building over by shooting the Amp.
You can locate the lightning rod and Doc, who should be seated close to it, at the peak of the roof. Underneath the roof is where you'll find the lightning rod. After you’ve put it where it belongs, you’ll only have to attach the DeLorean’s tires.
Begin by looking to your left as you stand in front of Roy's Records building. Near the motel, you can make out a structure that reads "Pop'n Gear Store" in the distance. In order to gain access to this structure, you must command Umbrella Academy's Number Five. To send Number Five teleporting inside, interact with the yellow arrow outside the building.
Once inside, you'll see shelves that are flashing a vibrant purple. For the tire, you must destroy all of these shelves. As a result, the first tire will let go. Unfortunately, you still can't use Number Five to teleport out with the tire, even after you've gathered it. So, when you're inside, turn on the switch to the right of the entrance and leave the tire inside for the time being.
When you do this, the garage doors that cover the windows will rise, exposing a cracked window. Get out of there and listen to Stephen Stills or Scott Pilgrim instead. Look to your left as you turn your back on the Pop'n Gear Store. Get an Amp by going to the blue machine off in the distance.
Position the amplifier such that the yellow light is facing you, and then place it in front of the broken window. Break the window by shooting the Amp. Next, you can attach the tire to the DeLorean next to Marty once you take it outside.
Begin by looking to your left as you stand in front of Roy's Records building. In the distance, you'll spot a motel. Proceed down the street in the direction of the motel, keeping it on your left. A storefront reading "Funko - Drive Motors, Stubble Pop" can be seen on the corner.
You can use Allison's Rumor power on the person standing outside the business to have him reconsider letting you in. Allison is from Umbrella Academy. As soon as you go inside, a red automobile will be front and center.
Repeatedly fire at its luminous yellow tires. You better move fast or else you'll have to start all over. The final tire, once shot, will fall, revealing the spare tire for Marty's DeLorean.
You can unlock the Doc by finding a Silver Crown chest within the 'Funko - Drive Motors, Stubble Pop' shop.
This tyre can be found at the petrol station just beyond Roy's Records. The blue machine sells batteries that you can use to unlock the garage door of this gas station. Just to the left of the gas station is the charging station, so you may attach the batteries there. After charging, insert the battery into the opening on the right side of the garage door.
Within, you'll find a vehicle supported on crimson poles. Two fully charged batteries must be inserted into the machinery within the vehicle in order to lower it. The blue machine will run out of stock once you take another battery from it. Now go inside the garage and smash the boxes over there.
Within, you'll discover an additional device to unlock the garage door from the inside, insert the charged battery you obtained from the blue machine into this device. Then, put the battery that opened the garage door onto the right side of the red poles, using the one you removed from outside.
Replace the battery that opens the door from the inside in the same way. One tyre will fall off as a result of the vehicle's lowering. Put the dead battery in the DeLorean behind Marty after you've used it to open the garage door.
Leave the Roy's Records building behind you and go left. 'Bank'o Pop' is the name of the building you'll see. Within that structure lies this tyre. The first step in unlocking the bank is to fire the alarms underneath the sign in a specific order. Inside, you should have fully charged batteries on hand.
A pair of fully charged batteries, obtained at the petrol station building alongside the prior tire, must be brought to this location before anything else. The machines to the left of the bank's vault are where you should put the batteries. After a fuse falls from the fuse box, grab it and put it in the left-hand machine. Afterwards, swap out the battery in the machine on the far right with the one on the left.
Another fuse will fall from the right-side fuse box when you blast the glowing "Bank'o Pop" emblem. Just grab it and drop it into the correct machine. In the end, swap out the battery in the machine on the left with the one on the right. You will receive a token from the vault when you do this.
Put this token into the red machine that's beside the petrol station building. Doing so will provide you access to the last tire.
Before you can find all the tires, you need to get seven Silver Crowns to unlock Doc. In this manner, you can simultaneously unlock Doc and Marty.
Get the key and put it into the DeLorean after you've attached all the tires. See the opening scene. This last section will only take one minute of your time. Hurry return to the front of the Essex building and seize the lightning rod that is outside the building where Doc is.
Take the Amps you set aside before and put the lightning rod back on the roof. The last section will be finished with this. At last, complete the chapter by going back to the motel's front desk to get the crown. Unlock Marty by doing this.
Within the Back to the Future cameo realm, you will need to locate seven silver crowns in order to activate Doc.
Once you've left Roy's Records, take a right. The sign for "Pop's Pedals Pursuits" will be seen on a nearby building. Gaining access to this building's green glowing door requires you to possess all of the Gold Crowns from every globe. By doing so, you will be able to access these doors by releasing Freddy from his cosmic form. Upon entering, you will notice a gray chest containing the Silver Crown.
This Silver Crown can be yours by utilizing Umbrella Academy's Number Five. A building bearing the sign 'Essex Tricera + Cops' will be visible on your right when you exit Roy's Records. There is a chest outside this structure that holds the Silver Crown.
However, in order to open the chest, you must press four switches in the allotted 20 seconds. If you follow this order, you'll have an easier time finding the switches:
On the left side of the chest-shaped building with the Essex sign is a little shop with a pink curtain and the name "George's Hideaway" painted on the front. Just beyond this store on the left side is the first switch.
There is a blue machine just outside George's Hideaway on the right. Just behind the blue machine, on the wall, you'll see the second switch.
Find the vehicle parked in front of the Essex-signed building and bring it to the car. There is a yellow arrow on the ground. You can teleport to the building's roof by interacting with this arrow using Number Five. On the left side of the two stacked boxes is the third switch.
On top of the Funko box, you'll see a portion with wires; to access the fourth switch, drop down from that section. The fourth switch is located on the green wall of the building that bears the Essex sign.
A Silver Crown can be yours by visiting the same "Funko - Drive Motors, Stubble Pop" store where you got Marty's spare tire. Upon entering the shop, look to your right for the chest bearing the crown.
In the grassy area across from Roy's Records, in front of the monument with an American flag, is the chest that contains this Silver Crown. But you can't open it until you locate and destroy five yellow boxes dotting the chapter:
Proceed along the street when you've located the fourth box, making sure to keep the motel on your left. A building bearing the 'Town' sign will be visible to you in due time. If you turn away from this structure, you will notice a depot that has three garage doors. Behind garage doors one and two is the fifth yellow box.
You must go back to the rooftop where Doc is situated in order to obtain this Silver Crown. You can get the Silver Crown for 55,000 Vinyls at a machine on the roof once you reach it with the Amps.
Il existe une méthode plus rapide pour acquérir cette Silver Crown. Prenez un amplificateur et amenez-le sur le toit de Doc. Si vous faites face à l'escalier de secours et vous détournez de la machine qui vend des vinyles contre des Silver Crowns, vous pouvez y voir un coffre en argent. Scott Pilgrim doit soigneusement viser l'amplificateur de manière à ce qu'il soit face au coffre en argent avant de lui tirer dessus pour atteindre l'escalier de secours.
Après avoir quitté Roy's Records, tournez à droite pour commencer la méthode la plus longue. Continuez à descendre la rue jusqu'à ce que vous arriviez au mur avec l'affiche « High Quality Wax » ; le bâtiment sur votre droite porte le panneau Essex. Sur l'escalier de secours, vous pouvez distinguer le coffre argenté si vous regardez à votre droite. Pour jouer le rôle de Childs de l'univers The Thing, retournez à Roy's Records.
Le lance-flammes de Childs peut être utilisé pour faire fondre la porte rouge du café, qui se trouve à droite de Roy's Records. Ensuite, entrez dans le café en incarnant Allison, la protagoniste d'Umbrella Academy, et discutez avec l'homme à l'intérieur. Un objet rectangulaire jaune sera son cadeau pour vous. Localisez le coffre en argent et apportez-lui cet objet.
Continuez tout droit dans la rue et ignorez la publicité pour pizza sur le bâtiment avec le coffre argenté. Vous pouvez y placer l'objet jaune sur la plateforme. Ensuite, passez à un personnage avec des capacités d'interaction laser, comme le Prince Adam ou Starbuck.
Pour déclencher les mécanismes, placez-vous de chaque côté de la cible jaune et tirez dessus. Avant la fin du temps imparti, passez rapidement au numéro cinq et utilisez la flèche jaune sur le sol à côté de la boîte Funko pour vous téléporter vers le coffre argenté.
Vous devriez vous diriger vers la gauche au lieu de Roy's Records. Continuez jusqu'à ce que vous voyiez le motel à l'horizon. Après avoir dépassé le motel sur votre droite, continuez tout droit dans la rue jusqu'à ce que vous voyiez le panneau « Ville » sur un bâtiment.
Si vous continuez à garder cette structure sur votre gauche, vous finirez par tomber sur un coffre contenant la dernière couronne d'argent devant quelques voitures grises. Pour y parvenir, vous devrez cependant tuer quelques ennemis.
C'est tout ce qu'il y a à considérer concernant Comment débloquer Marty et Doc de Retour vers le futur dans Funko Fusion, il vous suffit de suivre les instructions pour y parvenir et continuer à progresser dans ce jeu.