Angel Marquez
2023-09-26 06:30:28

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How To Level Up Fast in First Descendant! Master gameplay, earn more XP, and excel in your gaming.

Welcome to our friendly guide on how to level up quickly in First Descendant! In this looter shooter game, completing missions is crucial for character and equipment leveling. However, we have a special tip that will help you level up even faster during the beta test. Let's dive right in!

Section 1: Farming XP, Materials, and Money

First and foremost, when it comes to leveling up fast in First Descendant, you'll want to focus on farming XP, materials, and money. One of the best ways to do this is by participating in Resource Defense missions. These missions not only provide you with ample opportunities to earn XP but also help you gather valuable materials and money.

To access Resource Defense missions, head to the Main Hub. Upon spawning, make your way to the Special Operation Terminal. This terminal serves as the starting point for Resource Defense missions, and it allows you to select the mission difficulty and number of waves you want to tackle.

Once you've selected your preferred difficulty and wave count, get ready to face off against waves of enemies. This is where the real challenge begins. You'll need to strategize and work as a team to successfully defend your resources and defeat the enemy waves.

Each wave will bring increasingly difficult enemies, so be prepared for intense battles. The key to success lies in effective communication and coordination with your teammates. Make sure to utilize your character's unique abilities and weapons to their fullest potential.

Not only will you earn XP for each enemy you defeat, but you'll also collect valuable materials and money. These resources can be used to upgrade your character's skills, purchase new weapons, and enhance your overall gameplay experience.

In addition to the regular waves of enemies, there is a bonus round that occurs after wave 21. This round features a boss fight, and if you manage to defeat the boss, you'll be rewarded with even greater XP, materials, and money. So, make sure to save some of your best skills and weapons for this challenging encounter.

Section 2: Unlocking New Characters

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While leveling up your main character is important, it's also exciting to unlock and level up new characters in First Descendant. One such character is Bunny, a nimble and agile fighter. Unlocking Bunny and leveling her up can be done efficiently by participating in Resource Defense missions.

To start Bunny's journey, simply select her as your character before entering the Resource Defense missions. By completing just one round of these missions, you can level up Bunny from level 1 to level 20. This not only allows you to experience the unique playstyle of Bunny but also gives you access to her powerful abilities and weapons.

Another interesting aspect of leveling up new characters in First Descendant is the teamwork element. Kills made by your teammates during Resource Defense missions also count towards your XP gain. This means that working together and supporting your team members can lead to even faster leveling up for all involved.

Section 3: Ranking Up and Resource Farming

In addition to leveling up quickly, participating in Resource Defense missions also helps you increase your rank within the game. Ranking up not only showcases your progress and dedication but also unlocks additional rewards and benefits.

As you complete these missions, you'll earn experience points that contribute towards your rank progression. The more missions you complete, the higher your rank will become. This not only provides a sense of accomplishment but also grants you access to more challenging missions and exclusive rewards.

Furthermore, Resource Defense missions are an excellent way to farm resources. As you defeat enemies and progress through each wave, you'll collect valuable materials and money. These resources can be used to upgrade your character's abilities, purchase new weapons and equipment, and enhance your overall gameplay experience.

By focusing on Resource Defense missions, you'll not only level up quickly but also build up a strong arsenal of weapons and resources that will greatly benefit you in your future endeavors within First Descendant.

Now that you have our friendly guide on leveling up fast in First Descendant, go ahead and give it a try! Complete those Resource Defense missions, unlock new characters like Bunny, and enjoy the rewards. Remember, teamwork is key, so invite your friends along for an even more exciting adventure. Happy gaming!

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