In this guide entry we explain How to defeat the Minotaurus in FANTASIAN Neo Dimension.
One of the most challenging boss fights in FANTASIAN Neo Dimension is the Minotaurus. As you progress through the Coliseum questline, you will face this boss as your final challenge. In addition to the already challenging Minotaurus boss, this fight becomes even more so due to Ez's frequent buffing of the gigantic monster and the fact that you will only have two active characters instead of the normal three.
If you're playing FANTASIAN Neo Dimension, this is how you beat the Minotaurus boss.
You can go to the arc's final combat once you've won four coliseum battles; to initiate this battle, you must corner a child named Ez. The boy will call upon the Minotaurus boss from FANTASIAN Neo Dimension once you've cornered him.
On his alone, the Minotaurus is a formidable challenge as a boss due to his enormous health, attack, and defense stats. The presence of the youngster next to him, meanwhile, makes the complexity of this conflict immensely higher. Even though he won't take any damage himself, Ez is still an enemy in this boss encounter. Thus, he is free to execute his attacks as he pleases. However, his capacity to boost the boss should be considered carefully.
The fact that you may only deploy two ground party members rather than three is another big drawback of this battle. Zinikr, a new member of your squad, will always be the secondary character after Leo.
Make sure you have enough of healing items on hand before beginning this boss fight; you'll need them. You can also buy better gear from the prison merchant.
The boss Minotaurus is a burly one. These are the numbers:
You wouldn't have any Lightning elements on hand, even though Minotaurus is weak to them. This is the appearance of its moveset:
The Minotaurus employs a variety of attacks:
Ez utilizes two primary moves:
Debuffing the Minotaurus boss is your top priority in FANTASIAN Neo Dimension. Reduce its defense with Leo's Helm Bash and its attack with Zinikr's Blade Break. Debuffing it will cause Ez's health bar to drop faster, even though he can restore its defenses.
The boss has deadly strikes that can wipe out your group if you aren't careful, so make sure to stock up on healing goods. In particular when it employs the Stance of Desperation, make sure your health bar is full.
Two abilities are available to Zinikr: Taunt and Guard. This makes him an excellent tank because he can remain poised while taking a significant amount of damage from the monster. While the boss is concentrating on him, attack with Leo's Samidare. To deal even more damage to a debuffed boss, use Samidare in conjunction with Zinikr's Earth Punch. If you want to beat the Minotaurus boss in FANTASIAN Neo Dimension, you have to keep attacking him.
Now that you know How to defeat the Minotaurus in FANTASIAN Neo Dimension, you can follow our steps and that's it.