Light bulbs may seem like a generic Escape from Tarkov supply, but you'll be surprised how always needed they are. That said, the only reasoning for this extraction is upgrading the Illumination hideout very early in the wipe. It is worth rushing this upgrade to progress with other more important upgrades in your hiding base. You will want to hoard many Light Bulbs, and we have the best way for you to acquire all the Light Bulbs needed in just two to three raids in Escape from Tarkov.
Those who want to try the ultimate farming in terms of electronic spawns should head to a single one - Interchange. It contains multiple stores that spawn electronic gear, and most of them are very close to each other.
No other area in the game has a match for these digital spawns. You will need to see each of them to find the highest number of Light Bulbs. The following are the places you should rush to:
These shops are very close to each other, and you can reach any of them within 4-5 minutes. Trying to take the shortest route to each shop is highly risky. You will be running in the middle of the mall, so there's a great chance that you may encounter some PMCs.
By getting the best spawns for looting the desired stores, you will be ahead of your opponents and will reach well before anyone else. Imagine this: you spawn right by the garage entrance near OLI. This strategic position puts you ahead of the game to be the first to access Texho, Techlight, and Rasmussen. You will be spawned by the bus stop in IDEA and thus will be in prime position for a quick run to TT. But do watch out for any PMCs that may have spawned at Scav Camp, as they will be hot on your tail should they choose to make a quick dash toward TT.
Grab what you need from these shops and in a hurry, mind your escape routes post-heist.
Light bulbs have a few uses in-game, but a lot of them will still end up in your stash. For the level 2 illumination upgrade alone, you will need a whopping 14 light bulbs. You will need at least 14 to get the "found in raid" tag. They are no longer an option to buy from the flea market since the recent changes require "found in raid" items for hideout upgrades. Early wipe, light bulbs would go for 30,000 to 50,000 Roubles on the flea market because of their Illumination level 2. Recent changes, though, have changed things, and players must look elsewhere for flea market money-making opportunities.
Apart from the Illumination level 2, one has to make it to level 5 to unlock the Hall of Fame and Cultist Circle. You'll also need 2 for the Defective Wall level 6 that will give you access to the Gym. In summary, you'll need more than 20 Light Bulbs just for the hideout.
We conclude this guide on How to Get Light Bulbs in Escape from Tarkov, hoping that the information provided is useful.