Cómo escalar el volcán en Luma Island

Lidia Rozo
2025-01-08 05:09:00

Hemos realizado una guía muy completa donde explicamos Cómo Escalar el Volcán en Luma Island.

Cada bioma de Luma Island esconde una zona única a la que debes acceder si quieres descubrir todas sus maravillas: la Playa secreta se esconde tras el Bosque, la Montaña ofrece orgullosa su cima y el Volcán de la Jungla te invita a escalarlo hasta la cima. Pero, por fin, llegará el momento de desbloquear el bioma de la Jungla; aunque alcanzar una cumbre tan imponente no será fácil.

No es una tarea fácil, teniendo en cuenta que hay que abrirse paso a través de piscinas arremolinadas y ríos de lava para llegar a la cima. Las rocas que sirven de escalones en la cima se mueven de forma impredecible a medida que se asciende y su inestabilidad dificulta la navegación. Si no se tiene cuidado, es muy fácil resbalarse y caer en la lava. Este libro está diseñado para ayudarle. Aprenda a escalar la cima de los volcanes con Luma.

¿Cómo escalar el volcán en Luma Island?

Tu búsqueda de los comienzos comienza al oeste del volcán. Según los detalles del mapa, a un corto paseo desde un arco de entrada comienza un camino que pasa por debajo de las piedras, por lo que ya estás oficialmente en el camino como miembro experimentado de viajes arqueológicos. Prepárate para una exploración aventurera en la jungla antes de encontrar el comienzo del sendero. Una vez allí, lo sabrás cuando te encuentres con una cascada de lava impresionante con rocas dispersas que te ayudarán a saltar para cruzar el río de lava que fluye. Date prisa, las rocas desaparecerán en la lava poco después de pisarlas.

Para llegar a la cima hay que seguir recto por un camino fácil, que se complica a medida que se asciende: hay que cruzar varios ríos de lava por caminos de piedra cada vez más complicados.

Después de cruzar el primer río de lava, avanza para enfrentarte a otro. En este tendrás que saltar sobre piedras en movimiento:

  • Primero, pise la primera piedra en movimiento y espere hasta que se alinee con la segunda piedra, sobre la que puede pisar con seguridad. Desde esta piedra, la segunda se unirá con otras tres. Gire a la izquierda hacia la piedra que esté más cerca de las flores.
  • Espera hasta que la piedra de la izquierda se mueva hacia la pequeña cornisa con la estatua que escupe fuego y salta hacia ella. Salta sobre la piedra que está al otro lado de esta estatua. Continúa parándote sobre la piedra más cercana a la pared de roca; coincidirá con otras dos.
  • Al llegar a los pedazos de piedra rotos, corre rápidamente hacia la estatua de la ofrenda para alejarte de ella y seguir adelante en tu camino.

Once you have crossed the river, head to the right to find a hidden chest. For going further up the Volcano, you will have to go the other way and find the lava river between the two dead trees. Find how to cross :

  • Dash across the broken rocks until you reach the first moving stone. Hang on tight as it lands on the other side, then jump across. Find the second moving stone and jump onto it from the ground. Continue to follow the moving stones across the hill until you have reached the other side of the hill; jump off and feel the earth beneath your feet once again.
  • Line up your movements of the harsh stone to get just in time catch a view of a moving stone, head up the river onto moving stones to third sets of broken rocks. Jump timing to jagged stones perfectly in order not to fall, get across and up the river upon last moving stone.

Once across this river, the next one is just over the hill and is much smaller compared to the others you've encountered so far. To get across it, follow these steps:

  • Run across the broken stone to reach the first moving stone.
  • From here, use the next two moving stones to reach the broken stones on the far side.
  • You run towards the next moving stone appearing at the edge of the pathway made of fractured stone pieces.
  • Be patient. You can stay on the moving stones for as much time as you need.
  • Follow the pathway uphill and you can easily reach the next river which is a no-brainer for sure.

On this small river, there's a decent-sized boulder right in the middle, so here are your steps on how to get across:

  • Take the first one that starts moving, as it will slide by the large boulder that is in the middle. Mine out the boulder in the middle of the river so you will have something to stand on to get safely to the second moving stone from the first.
  • Grab the second moving stone, but get ready to jump onto the third because it'll come into place and won't wait for you. For the next moving stone, the timing is close because you will need to run across these broken stones to make it to this one. The last moving stone is only there for a split second, so jump onto it the first chance you get.

Hop across the last few broken stone pieces onto the floor on the other side. The next two rivers of lava are both easy to cross, having a simple, straight path over broken stone pieces and shifting boulders. The third river after the last, and the seventh lava river overall, involves another interesting puzzle to solve:

  • Seek out the initial moving stone, destined to halt at the conclusion of the extended trail of fractured stones. Ensure your timing is impeccable to leap onto this shifting stone without plunging into the lava below.
  • Step onto the second moving stone as soon as the first comes to a halt beside it.
  • Timing is everything again as you jump across a series of broken stones to the next moving stone. Only leave the moving stone when you can make it to the next one.
  • Ahead, you continue on up a pretty straightforward path along to the far bank of the lava river.

Find the next lava river. On it are some stationary stones that you will need to manipulate with your wit to cross to the other side. Do the following in order:

  • Step on to the stationary stone in front of you; it will start shaking and submerging into the lava. Step on it once and jump back to the ground from which you came.
  • The stone has now moved to the other side of the ground. Press down once more, but this time, coordinate your timing to advance onto the initial moving stone.
  • As soon as the moving stone makes contact with the ground on the opposite side of your starting point, it's time to hop off.
  • Before proceeding to the second moving stone, turn back and jump onto the second stationary stone that is directly opposite the first.
  • Jump to the ground, then proceed toward the next moving stone using the moved stationary stone as a stepping stone.
  • Follow the moved stone as it falls onto the ground on the other side of the gap.

The following puzzle includes all of the elements of the previous puzzles:

  • First, step onto the first stationary stone and immediately jump off so that it will move,
  • now in front of the short broken stone path. Time it perfectly to jump across this path and onto the first moving stone.
  • Step on to this bittersweet stone and immediately jump on to the next resting stone to reposition it's place. Hop back to the stone which moved, from this.
  • Jump from this shifted stone to the small patch of ground which is located at the pool's middle.
  • Ahead of you is a walkway of rocks, some of which sink occasionally into the lava of fire below. When they do, swim up to the other stationary rock by the lava fall. Now, quickly turn around and find your way back to the ground just beside it.
  • Now you should be able to make it across the path in that direction to the opposite side of the pool.

At the second lava river, there's another stationary stone in place for you to start off with. You'll want to readjust them to make your way across, as expected:

  • Jump onto and off of the first stationary stone quickly to move it.
  • Now, it should be placed much closer to the lava fall pouring into this basin. Use it to jump across the sinking rocks to the small boulders that you can safely stand on on the far side.
  • Jump across the boulders and quickly jump onto and off of the stationary stone at the end of this path.
  • Use the newly set stationary stone to quickly jump onto the first moving stone.
  • Before hopping onto the second hopping stone, make sure the one that you are standing on leads onto another stationary stone that is more or less set in the middle of the pool. Hop onto the stationary stone easily and jump back again.
  • Continúe por el camino hasta el otro lado de la piscina de lava con facilidad.

Una vez que hayas cruzado este río y el último puente de rocas rotas, habrás llegado a la cima del volcán en Luma Island. Dentro de este cofre del tesoro, encontrarás un huevo de destello y el plano para construir el castillo. Al igual que con otros esquemas específicos del bioma, puedes construir el castillo en tu granja, lo que te dará acceso rápido a la jungla. Las numerosas escaleras que te guían para bajar hacen que el descenso sea fácil, pero asegúrate de estar atento a ellas mientras avanzas por el sendero.

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