We invite you to discover How to complete Spinning Gold From Grey quest in Dragon Age The Veilguard, a new task in this great game.
There are a plethora of optional quests to explore and take part in throughout Dragon Age The Veilguard. These might be anything from mandatory character tasks that raise party level to optional side quests that provide players great rewards. The Spinning Gold From Grey quest is one example; it asks you to help an NPC whose wish is to halt a band of mercenaries.
Due to the close proximity of the mercenaries, this quest at the Hossberg Wetlands should not take too long and can yield numerous bonuses. The steps to finish this side quest are detailed below.
Go to the NPC whose location is shown on the map by an exclamation point and talk to him first. He will bring up the hardships he and his community are going through because of the mercenaries in the area. He expresses his community's gratitude at the prospect of these mercs being eliminated. To begin his quest, accept it and enter the area indicated by blue diamond markers.
Once you've climbed the ladder and followed the path, it's time to climb the first set of stairs. There will be a fork in the road; go left, beneath the bridge, and follow the signpost to the entry in the wall. At this time, you'll encounter a variety of smaller foes. Stay away from them if you don't want to risk damaging yourself fighting them.
Just keep going in the same direction until you reach the platform. The leading group of mercenaries is standing just ahead. It should be straightforward to defeat these mercenaries without resorting to excessive skill usage, as they should not present much of a challenge. After you've vanquished them, go to the west of the area and ascend the stairs to the top floor.
The following wave of mercenaries, who must be vanquished, will immediately follow from that. The party's health can quickly be depleted if you aren't careful around the Wary Mercenary targets here. If you encounter difficulties, you can use abilities such as Reaper and Assan Strike to defeat them. Return to the lowest floor and make your way to the last marker once you've defeated the enemy.
To complete this, you'll need to descend two sets of stairs and traverse the same location where you engaged the initial group of mercenaries. Because of their armor and proximity to a boat, these mercenaries pose the greatest threat to the success of the mission. To defeat them, use powerful attacks and attempt to stagger them for further hits.
After you've vanquished the last of the mercenaries, use the Fast Travel beacon close to the NPC to return to him in no time. Get in touch with him; he'll be overjoyed to hear about your success. Gaining this achievement will award you with 200 Gold, 5 Fade-Touched Ore, a stronger Grey Warden, and a stronger link with your party.
We can conclude that knowing How to complete Spinning Gold From Grey quest in Dragon Age The Veilguard is easier than you think, you just have to follow the instructions to achieve it and progress.