Epic Games erhielt sehr negative Bewertungen der Veranstaltung - Ultimativer Leitfaden

durch 2019-02-21 02:43:44

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Epic Games verhängte eine Klage gegen die Organisatoren der Fortnite Live-Katastrophe, die am Wochenende in der britischen Stadt Norwich stattfand und mehrere negative Bewertungen der Veranstaltung erhielt.

Die Eintrittskarten für die Veranstaltung betrugen 12 und 32 Euro pro Person. Dies ermöglichte den Nutzern den Zugang zu generischen Orten mit wenig Personen und mit beklagenswerter Qualität, mit Kletterwänden und Bogenschießplätzen.

Die Assistenten beschwerten sich über die erzeugten Warteschlangen und die wenigen Aktivitäten, die es gab.

Lesen Sie auch:

Fortnite's name, the characters and images, were used at the event without having any rights or permits granted by Epic Games, who said they would sue the organizers of the fraudulent event saying: "The quality of our experience as a player is incredibly important for us, either inside the game or at official public events like the Fortnite Pro-Am last year, "said a spokesman for Epic Games at Eurogamer. "Epic Games was not associated in any way with the event that took place in Norwich and we have issued a lawsuit against the organizers in the High Court of London."
"It must have been a fun day, but the whole event was a disaster, my children spent most of the day in queues," said one woman guardian, adding: "Fortnite has to do with chasing people and killing them. I want to do that to the people who organized it. "

The organizers of the event returned the money of the people who asked for a refund of it the day of the event, they also said they will work to make it better next time, although after the demand of Epic the Fortnite Live 2020 is put in doubt.