Lidia Rozo
2023-10-30 07:33:22

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Master Cities Skylines 2 gameplay with our guide on How to Get 30 FPS Constant in Cities Skylines 2. Increase performance.

Cities Skylines 2 is a popular city-building simulation game that offers a realistic and immersive experience for players. The developers have designed the game to maintain a steady 30 frames per second (FPS) at any resolution. While some may aim for a higher FPS, it's important to note that the simulation is optimized for this frame rate. In this guide, we will share some tips on how to optimize your game settings and system to achieve a stable 30 FPS without compromising the overall gaming experience.

How to Get 30 FPS Constant in Cities Skylines 2

Optimize Graphics Settings:

One of the first steps to achieve a constant 30 FPS in Cities Skylines 2 is to optimize your graphics settings. The game offers a wide range of options to customize the visual quality and performance. Lowering certain settings can help reduce the strain on your CPU and improve FPS. Experiment with options such as shadows, reflections, anti-aliasing, and texture quality until you find an optimal configuration that suits your preferences. Finding the right balance between visual quality and performance is crucial in achieving a stable frame rate.

Set Game Resolution to 1920x1080 (1080p):

Reducing the game's resolution can significantly boost performance. Setting it to standard high-definition resolution (1920x1080) allows your system to render fewer pixels per frame, thereby relieving some burden from both CPU and GPU. While higher resolutions may offer a visually stunning experience, they can also put a strain on your hardware and result in lower FPS. Adjusting the resolution to 1080p can provide a smoother gameplay experience without compromising the visual quality significantly.

Switch to Windowed Mode:

Running Cities Skylines 2 in windowed mode instead of full-screen can enhance performance by minimizing the resources required for rendering. Access your display settings within the game and select windowed mode for better optimization. This allows your system to allocate resources more efficiently, resulting in improved FPS. However, keep in mind that playing in windowed mode may affect your immersion and overall gaming experience.

Disable Depth of Field:

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Depth of Field is a graphical effect that adds a cinematic blur to objects in the foreground or background of your view, simulating a shallow depth of field. While this effect can enhance the visual appeal of the game, it can also impact performance in resource-intensive games like Cities Skylines 2. Disabling this feature can provide a slight boost in FPS without affecting gameplay significantly. Consider turning off Depth of Field if you prioritize performance over visual effects.

Turn Off Motion Blur:

Similar to Depth of Field, motion blur is an effect that simulates real-world camera movement blur during fast-paced action sequences. However, it can be taxing on system resources and may impact overall performance. Consider turning off motion blur to achieve a more stable frame rate. While motion blur can add realism to the game, it's not essential for gameplay and disabling it can provide a noticeable improvement in FPS.

Close Unnecessary Background Applications:

To maximize your system's resources for Cities Skylines 2, it's essential to close any unnecessary background applications that may be consuming CPU or GPU power. This includes browser tabs, streaming services, and other non-essential programs running in the background. By freeing up system resources, you can ensure that the game has access to the maximum amount of processing power, resulting in improved performance and a more stable frame rate.

Consider Overclocking (for Advanced Users):

For advanced users who are comfortable with tweaking hardware settings, overclocking can provide additional performance gains. Overclocking involves increasing the clock speeds of your CPU and GPU, allowing them to perform at higher frequencies than their default settings. This can result in improved FPS and smoother gameplay. However, it's important to note that overclocking may void warranties and potentially cause system instability if not done correctly. Only attempt overclocking if you have experience and knowledge in this area.

Achieving a constant 30 FPS in Cities Skylines 2 requires a combination of optimizing graphics settings, adjusting resolution, using windowed mode, disabling depth of field and motion blur effects, closing unnecessary background applications, and considering overclocking (if applicable). Finding the right balance between performance and visual quality is key to enhancing your gaming experience without compromising stability. By following these tips, you can enjoy a smooth and immersive city-building experience in Cities Skylines 2. Happy city building!

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video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam