Angel Marquez
2021-03-08 09:56:13

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Today we bring you a Bravely Default 2 guide where we will explain how to get JP orbs.

What to know about JP orbs in Bravely Default 2?

 It is one of the important methods to improve our characters, it is important to reach the maximum of the different capacities, with JP orbs we can obtain a significant amount of JP, taking into account that their size can vary, there are small ones, giants and more, without gaining XP with the orbs we can increase depending on the amount we are obtaining, in itself it is a very important way to improve work levels, so it is appropriate that we understand how to obtain JP orbs and for this the content that will come from here on in this guide, let's just pay close attention.

How to get JP orbs in Bravely Default 2?

 It is important to highlight in terms of How to obtain JP orbs a series of necessary requirements that will lead us to achieve it with ease and efficiency in Bravely Default 2 and these are the following:


  •  You have to be in the third chapter and the first dungeons have progressed.
  • Our group must be equipped with 8 thief gloves, one of which we obtain during our progress in the dungeons and for the others in Rimedhal's shop in Bravely Default 2 we can buy them.
  • At level 8 each of the characters must have the Beastmaster job.
  • Magpie's passive ability must be equipped on all characters.
  • The passive ability Spearhead must be equipped on all characters.
  • The characters must be equipped with any spear.
  • The robber group should be everyone's main job.
  • The Rob Blind ability can be optionally equipped to all characters regarding How to obtain JP orbs.

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What we will do now is Bravely Default 2 once we consider the necessary requirements is to go to Jaws of Judgment, it is the second dungeon of this chapter, which we will find west of the Rimedhal, now before being in the corridors at the end we will be able to see a small room on our left, possibly we have passed through here before and if so the blue portal will be activated, then we can save ourselves some time, and we only have to jump over it to get to the depths of the cave and we are progressing on How to get JP Orbs while being in this place.

We will find a slippery crossing, we must go to our left to reach a room, then follow a short path that will take us to another entrance on our left, after we enter we will be where we can solve How to obtain JP orbs, then what we will do is go up the ascending slope that is to our right, here are some very slippery roads in Bravely Default 2, then we must follow very carefully until we find ourselves in a snowy pillar, where there are 3 treasure chests, we will open the one of below and the one in the middle, the next thing is to have everything equipped as we said previously in the requirements to achieve solving How to obtain JP orbs, all as indicated, and we can open the remaining chest in this part of Bravely Default 2.

Preparation is necessary because when opening the remaining chest a series of enemies are presented that we must defeat, among our confrontation there will be 2 Big Wiki-Wiki, they are very rare enemies in Bravely Default 2, these have the shape of a bird and are found frequently all over the world, there are also 3 undead creatures that are not of interest as such, but if we avoid the battle by escaping we will not have managed to solve How to get JP orbs because the chest is closed, what we will then do is ignore the enemies, just focus on stealing the Wiki-Wiki, getting from these a couple of medium JP orbs, which allows us to get 4 in total, after that we can escape from this combat, we can even do this process as many times as we want and thus achieving by far our goal of How to obtain JP orbs, the key to being equipped with the requirements that we mentioned before is to be able to steal rare objects from our enemies, among which are the J orbs. P, thus having a 15 percent greater success in carrying out the robbery.

With this option we can achieve in Bravely Default 2 the best way to quickly get the medium JP orbs, managing to maximize our work, it is important to consider that it is possible to obtain significant quantities of the objects used by keeping the skills of JP Up and JP Up equipped. And Up, it is necessary that our group have these equipped to maximize the amount of JP in this process.

 Finally, now that we know how to get JP orbs, we can move on by improving and progressing in Bravely Default 2.

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Bravely Default II, Bravely 2
Nintendo Switch
Square Enix, Nintendo
Unreal Engine 4
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