Zoo Management
although your focus is on cats, one must efficiently manage the zoo itself. Ensure that your habitats are clean, and your cats are in good hands. Happy cats are much healthier and are more likely to procreate. You may want to hire some zookeepers to take care of the everyday tasks to free up time for you to focus on breeding and forming bonds with your feline friends.
Social Interaction
Although the challenge is targeted at your cats, do not completely ignore social interaction. Having relationships can bring an entirely different set of opportunities. For example, being very tight with a veterinarian could result in some great tips on cat care or breeding.
Unexpected Problems
Becoming the ultimate cat lady will definitely come not without its challenges. Be prepared for unexpected challenges, be it diseases, escapes, or money issues. Devise a contingency plan to deal with it quickly.
Think of the Ultimate Cat Lady Challenge
half about the journey, half about the destination. Enjoy your build-up of the feline empire, and don't be afraid to mix and match some of these strategies in the pursuit of cat lady greatness. With dedication and that magic the cats rub off on you, no doubt you will attain greatness as a cat lady.
In conclusion, the "Supreme Cat Lady" challenge in BitLife offers a unique opportunity to dive into the world of zoology and big cat conservation.