Angel Marquez
2023-10-31 03:40:29

Unlock secrets. Quick, easy guide to How to get the TV studio door codes in Alan Wake 2. Explore more of the game.

Welcome to our friendly guide on how to obtain the TV studio door codes in Alan Wake 2. In this thrilling game, you'll need to use your keen perception and attention to detail to progress. Follow these steps to unlock the door and continue your exciting journey through the Dark Place.

How to get the TV studio door codes in Alan Wake 2

Section 1: Locating the Keypad

As you venture through the TV studio in Alan Wake 2, your first task is to locate the keypad that will grant you access to the next area. To find the keypad, head towards the band room area within the studio. Look for a plaque featuring "Old Gods of Asgard" as the guest near the keypad. This plaque will serve as a clue that you are on the right track. The keypad itself is marked with a neon sign that displays the password "665: Neighbor of the Beast". Take note of this password as you will need it to gain entry.

Section 2: Entering the Initial Code

Once you have located the keypad and memorized the password, it's time to input the code. Return to the keypad and enter the code 665. As you enter the code, the locked door will open, allowing you to proceed to the next area of the game. Congratulations on successfully unlocking the door!

Section 3: Discovering Updated Code

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As you progress further into the game, you will encounter another doorway with a similar keypad. However, entering the previous password of 665 will not grant you access this time. This is where your powers of observation and attention to detail come into play.

As you stand in front of the keypad, take a moment to observe your surroundings closely. Look for any hints or clues that might lead you to the updated code. In this particular area, there will be a neon sign nearby that begins flashing. Pay close attention to the pattern and timing of the flashes, as they hold the key to unlocking the door.

Section 4: Inputting New Code

Armed with the knowledge that the previous code won't work, it's time to head back to the dressing room where you initially found the first code. This is where the game developers have hidden the new code for you to discover.

As you enter the dressing room, keep an eye out for any changes or new details that might catch your attention. Sure enough, you will notice that the neon sign in the dressing room is now flashing a new code. The code will flash as follows: 565, then 6, and finally again. Take note of this new code.

Return to the keypad and enter the new code you discovered in the dressing room. As you enter the code correctly, the door will open, allowing you to progress further into the Dark Place. You have successfully solved the puzzle and gained access to the next stage of the game!

By following this detailed guide, you should now have a clear understanding of how to obtain the TV studio door codes in Alan Wake 2. Remember to carefully observe your environment, pay attention to any hints or changes, and use your powers of deduction to progress further into the Dark Place. Enjoy your thrilling adventure and may you uncover the secrets that lie within!