Lidia Rozo
2023-11-03 08:58:02

Learn the secrets to How to get the trailer park stash key in Alan Wake 2 on our comprehensive website.

Welcome to our friendly guide on how to obtain the trailer park stash key in Alan Wake 2. In this game, you'll need to break and enter a trailer with a padlock on the door to get your hands on these important keys. Follow the steps below to unlock the secrets within!

How to get the trailer park stash key in Alan Wake 2

Breaking into the Trailer

In order to obtain the trailer park stash key in Alan Wake 2, you first need to locate the trailer with a padlock on the door. This trailer is typically found in the trailer park area of the game. Once you have found the correct trailer, you will need to use appropriate tools or skills to break open the padlock. This could involve using a lock pick or finding a crowbar to pry it open.

Discovering Tony Tennenbaum's Email

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After successfully breaking into the trailer, you will need to proceed towards the room near the kitchen. Look for a computer in this room and access Tony Tennenbaum's email titled "The Keys". This email will provide you with valuable information on the whereabouts of the trailer park stash key.

Locating the Keys

  • Spotting the Power Box: Upon entering the room near the kitchen, look towards your right. You will notice a blue container with a plank of wood creating a ramp. This is the power box that holds the trailer park stash key.
  • Using the Ramp: Approach the ramp and take hold of it. Position it against the power box for easy access. This ramp will allow you to climb up onto the power box and retrieve the keys.
  • Obtaining the Keys: Climb up the ramp onto the power box carefully. Once you are on top, you will see the trailer park stash key perched atop it. Snatch up the keys and ensure you have a good grip before climbing back down.

Accessing The Stash Box

  • Unlocking with Trailer Park Stash Key: Now that you have successfully obtained the trailer park stash key, it's time to unlock the stash box. Take out the key you acquired and insert it into the lock mechanism of the stash box. This will allow you to open the box and reveal its contents.
  • Revealing Contents: Open up the stash box using the unlocked lid. Inside, you will discover an arrow for your crossbow, a propane tank, and a trauma pad. These items will prove to be valuable assets as you continue your thrilling adventure in the game.

Congratulations! By following these friendly guidelines, you have successfully obtained and utilized the trailer park stash key in Alan Wake 2. Enjoy the new items you have discovered and continue your thrilling adventure in the game. Remember, exploration and attention to detail are key in uncovering hidden treasures in Alan Wake 2.