Angel Marquez
2023-05-09 03:53:43

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Discover the various ways to heal your units and How to Heal Units in Age of Wonders 4.

In Age of Wonders 4, battles can be intense and grueling affairs. As units take damage, the need for healing becomes increasingly important. Knowing how to effectively heal your units can be the difference between victory and defeat. In this guide, we will be exploring the various ways to heal your units in Age of Wonders 4.

Healing in Cities and Territory

One of the simplest ways to heal your units is by keeping them in cities or territory. In cities, units will heal 25 HP per turn, while in territory, units will heal 5 HP per turn. It is important to keep in mind that keeping units in territory can be dangerous, as they are more vulnerable to attacks from enemy units. However, keeping units in cities can be a great way to heal them up quickly, especially if the city is fortified and protected.

Additional Ways to Heal

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In addition to healing in cities and territory, there are several other ways to heal your units in Age of Wonders 4.

The first is the Natural Recovery perk, which allows units to heal an additional 5 HP per turn when in territory. This can be a great way to speed up the healing process, especially if you have several units in need of healing.

Another option is the Wand of Healing item, which can be used to heal a single unit for a significant amount of HP. This item can be especially useful in battle, where quick healing can mean the difference between victory and defeat.

The Army Heal spell is another powerful way to heal your units, as it can heal your entire army for a significant amount of HP. This spell can be expensive to cast, but it can be a lifesaver in tough battles.

Support units such as healers and clerics can also be valuable assets in healing your units. These units have healing abilities that can be used to heal nearby units in battle, making them invaluable in keeping your army healthy.

Finally, hero abilities and equipment can also be used to heal your units. Many heroes have healing abilities that can be used to heal nearby units, while certain equipment can provide bonuses to healing.

Tips for Healing in Battle

When it comes to healing in battle, there are several tips to keep in mind.

First and foremost, it is important to prioritize healing units that are in danger of being defeated. Keeping your units alive is the key to victory, so make sure to focus on healing units that are taking the most damage.

It is also important to keep your support units protected. Healers and clerics are valuable assets, so make sure to keep them out of harm's way. If they are defeated, your army will be left without crucial healing abilities.

Finally, taking advantage of healing abilities is crucial. Whether it's using the Army Heal spell or a hero's healing ability, make sure to use these abilities strategically to keep your army healthy and ready for battle.

In conclusion, healing your units is a crucial aspect of Age of Wonders 4. Utilizing all of the available healing options, from healing in cities and territory to using spells and support units, can give you the edge you need to emerge victorious in battle. Remember to prioritize healing units that are in danger, protect your support units, and use healing abilities strategically. With these tips in mind, you can ensure that your army stays healthy and strong throughout your battles in Age of Wonders 4.

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