How to Capture a SAM Site in Warzone 2 DMZ

Angel Marquez
2023-01-06 15:19:10

The war in Warzone 2 DMZ is raging, and the stakes are high. In order to win, you must capture various SAM (Surface-to-Air Missile) sites in the area. Capturing SAM sites gives your team a powerful advantage, allowing it to control the skies and protect your forces from enemy air attacks.

So, how do you “Capture a SAM Site” in Warzone 2 DMZ? It’s simple, but it requires a lot of teamwork and coordination. Here are the steps you need to take to capture a SAM site.

How do you “Capture a SAM Site”

  • Find the SAM site. In Warzone 2 DMZ, SAM sites are located in designated areas. Your team must scout out the area and identify the SAM site so that you can begin your assault.
  •  Secure the area. Before you can capture the SAM site, you must ensure that the area is secure. This means that all enemy forces in the vicinity must be eliminated. Use your team’s combined firepower to eliminate any enemy forces in the area.
  • Establish control. Once the area is secure, your team must establish control of the SAM site. This involves placing a “capture point” on the SAM site that your team must defend. Once the capture point is in place, your team must ensure that it remains secure and uncontested.
  • Hold the SAM site. The final step is to hold the SAM site for an extended period of time. This is easier said than done, as enemy forces will attempt to retake the site. Your team must remain vigilant and be prepared to repel any counter-attacks.

  • By following these steps, your team can easily capture a SAM site in Warzone 2 DMZ. Capturing SAM sites will give your team a powerful advantage in the war, and will help you to win the war in Warzone 2 DMZ.

    Call of Duty, Battle royale, Warzone tips, Warzone updates, Warzone weapons, Warzone maps, Warzone strategies, Warzone l
    Platform(s): Microsoft Windows PC, Xbox One, Playstation 4
    Genre(s): Battle royale, first-person shooter
    Developer(s): Infinity Ward
    Release date: March 10, 2020
    Mode: Multiplayer
    age rating (PEGI): 18+

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