Ambar Jimenez
2022-04-08 07:57:14

First-Person Shooters like Valorant provide a formidable challenge to anyone who attempts to get good at them, because they are very difficult to master. We often watch professional tournaments and we’re amazed by what the best players in the world can do. But how do you reach that level? What steps can you take to become one day one of the best? This guide will tell you more about how to reach the Radiant Rank in Valorant.

It's Not Just About How Long You Practice

Millions of people play Valorant. The game has been around for just a few years but it’s already very popular, thanks in part to the fact that it’s developed by Riot Games, whose League of Legends has a player base of more than 100 million. But to get good at it requires more than just hours of play.

Many of those who play an esport for years don’t improve very much. It’s a sad reality that we often encounter when we get placed by the matchmaking engine on the same team with someone who supposedly is highly experienced and yet continues to make the same mistakes over and over.

If you don’t learn from experience, you don’t improve, no matter how much experience you accumulate. Experience is simply a set of data that you can look at and search for patterns. If you’re good at spotting these patterns and figuring out what the optimal strategy is in every situation, after a certain number of hours you have accumulated enough patterns to reach a high rank. But if you don’t pay attention to these things, you may even develop bad habits that stay with you for years and make you lose countless games.

Study the Best

If you want to reach the Radiant rank in Valorant, use the immersion strategy and pretend that you’re trying to learn a foreign language. What’s the best way to do it? Obviously, it is to surround yourself with people who are fluent in it. And who are those people? In Valorant, they are the pros and the high rank players. You’re probably familiar with some of them from watching tournaments or betting on Valorant.

If you watch high-level competitors playing in first-person and analyze their replays, after a while you’ll start to understand what they do and how they do it.

Don’t try to discover everything yourself. Simply find good players to study and take notes. Very soon, you will discover how the pros play the game and think about it. Much of what they know can be learned this way.

Develop the Key Skills

In every discipline, there’s a set of skills that make the difference between a novice and a master. In Valorant, these skills are the following: aim, positioning, agent mastery, map mastery, team tactics, and communication. If you work on these things one by one, will gradually improve and your in-game decision making will become much smarter.

Develop a Constructive Attitude

Players lose games not just because they don’t have the knowledge they need to beat other players of similar rank. They also lose because their attitude is toxic. At the highest competitive level, the battle is often close. What makes the difference between success and failure are a few moments of brilliance. If you don’t know how to reset and recalibrate your attitude after a disappointing round or map, you simply cannot reach the Radiant rank because that’s absolutely mandatory.

Competitive games involve a psychological battle. If you can’t stay mentally strong, your opponent will dismantle you with ease. We see this not just in esports but in all sports. It’s easy to be positive when you’re ahead. But the truly great players know how to keep their calm when things aren’t going their way. And they patiently search for a way to turn things around.

In professional matches, we often see teams taking a 5 – 0 lead and then the other team manages somehow to equalize. Imagine what kind of attitude you need to be at such a great disadvantage in front of a crowd and not lose your head in the process.

If you can’t maintain a positive attitude, you will not only sabotage yourself but your whole team. Because in Valorant, players need to constantly communicate with each other to find a way to win. If you start screaming or become frustrated, the other members of your team will feel it.

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