Lidia Rozo
2020-04-23 13:46:59

We bring you a guide to Ensayos de Mana in which you will have the explanation of how to block with accurate details.

What do we have to know about blocking in Mana Trials?

There are certainly mechanics in this game that will be of great importance throughout the game, it is important that you are well advanced in terms of the path that has domains of the mechanics that we are at our disposal, so it is necessary that we know how to block, This is one of them, so we have to pay attention to the content that he sells from now on in this guide.

How to block in Trials of Mana?

Pressing the R3 when we face the enemies is what we should do in the middle of the battle, in this way we will aim at the enemy that is closest to our active character, until we have to press the R3 again, which will be very useful when we are in those situations of harassment by enemies who suffer quickly close and away instantly, or when we have to keep track of any enemy that has few weaknesses.

But keep in mind that it will not be the only way to have as a unique bonus by blocking our enemies, when we are blocking anyone, we can be aware of anyone who is active, being easily visible above the bar health, active buffs are represented by blue symbols, in the case of active debuffs it has to do with red symbols, which will be very useful when establishing a strategy when attacking our enemies, also knowing if it becomes necessary or not to detonate an enemy so that it falls more easily, having this mechanic in our arsenal battles will be easier for us to pass, more when we use it according to the indications of the game.

In conclusion, knowing how to block will allow us to advance further in this interesting game such as Trials of Mana.