Angel Marquez
2021-08-30 08:26:12

Tormented Souls is a very lively game, and today it leads us to discover how to enter the generator room.

What to know about the generator room in Tormented Souls?

Once we leave this place, we are forced to return, but access depends on having turned on the power, this because the doors are blocked, one in the corridor where we face our first enemy and the other by some wooden boards, Now it's time to consider this guide's support on entering the generator room, so let's look at the details below.

How to enter the generator room in Tormented Souls?

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We have to look for the lever, it is an object and melee weapon that we must locate in the X-ray room with the priest, from whom we obtain a nail gun, in the same room on the left we will be able to find the lever in a machine between some boxes, now that we have it we will go down the corridor inside the X-ray room to look for the door of the generator room, which is blocked by pieces of wood, with the lever we can remove it, considering that it will remain in our inventory the lever can serve as a weapon.

We hope that the information presented here on how to enter the generator room has been helpful in progressing Tormented Souls.