Lidia Rozo
2023-08-30 08:10:00

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Discover easy steps on How to Get Water Purifier in Sunkenland. Simple guide for safe, clean water at home. Learn Now!

In the treacherous world of Sunkenland, where survival is a constant struggle, access to clean drinking water is of utmost importance. Without it, the chances of dehydration and waterborne diseases increase significantly. To ensure the availability of safe drinking water, you can utilize two types of water purifiers: the Simple Purifier and the Advanced Purifier. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the steps of acquiring and effectively using these purifiers, allowing you to stay hydrated and healthy in the unforgiving environment of Sunkenland.

Acquiring Water Purifiers


Simple Purifier: The First Step Towards Clean Water: The Simple Purifier serves as an entry-level water purification system in Sunkenland. To acquire it, you will need to meet the level one research requirement. This can be achieved by collecting research points through various activities such as scavenging for resources, defeating enemies, or completing quests. Once you have accumulated enough research points, you can unlock the blueprint for the Simple Purifier and start your journey towards clean drinking water.

Advanced Purifier: Taking Water Purification to the Next Level: For those seeking a more advanced solution, the Advanced Purifier offers enhanced capabilities and efficiency. However, obtaining this purifier requires additional materials for its construction. In addition to the blueprint, you will need to gather specific resources such as metal scraps, pipes, and electrical components. These can be found in various locations throughout Sunkenland, including abandoned buildings, wreckage sites, and even from defeated enemies. Once you have collected all the necessary materials, you can craft the Advanced Purifier and enjoy its benefits.

Using Water Purifiers

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Collecting Sea Water: The First Step Towards Purification: Before you can purify water, you need a source, and in Sunkenland, that source is the sea. To collect sea water, you will need a bucket. This can be crafted using 6 scraps, which are commonly found in wreckage sites or salvaged from defeated enemies. Once you have crafted the bucket, you are ready to begin the purification process.

Crafting a Metal Bucket: The Sturdy Choice: While a regular bucket will suffice for collecting sea water, a metal bucket offers greater durability and longevity. To craft a metal bucket, you will need 6 metal scraps, which can be obtained from wreckage sites or through salvaging. The metal bucket will withstand the harsh conditions of Sunkenland and ensure that you have a reliable tool for collecting water.

Utilizing the Simple Purifier: A Straightforward Process: Using the Simple Purifier is a straightforward process. Once you have collected sea water in your bucket, you can feed it into the purifier. The purifier will then filter the water, removing impurities and providing you with clean, drinkable water. It is important to note that the Simple Purifier operates at a slower pace compared to its advanced counterpart, so it is recommended to collect a larger quantity of sea water to ensure a sufficient supply of clean drinking water.

Utilizing the Advanced Purifier: A Step-Up in Efficiency: The Advanced Purifier offers a more efficient and streamlined purification process. Before adding sea water to the purifier, it is advised to add wood as fuel. This will provide the necessary energy for the purifier to function optimally. Once the wood is added, you can pour the sea water into the purifier and begin the purification process. To activate the purifier, simply press and hold the F key. The water distillery will start to pump, and through this process, you will obtain clean drinking water in a shorter timeframe compared to the Simple Purifier.

Drinking and Storing Clean Water

Drinking Directly from the Source: Instant Hydration: Once the water has been purified, you can consume it directly from the source. Whether you choose the Simple Purifier or the Advanced Purifier, the end result is clean, drinkable water that will instantly hydrate you and replenish your body's lost fluids.

 Storing in an Empty Glass Bottle: A Convenient Option: If you prefer to store the purified water for later consumption or transportation, you can use an empty glass bottle. By pouring the clean water into the bottle, you can carry it with you on your adventures or store it in your stash for future use. Glass bottles can be found in various locations, such as abandoned buildings or wreckage sites, and are a valuable asset in maintaining a portable water supply.

Carriage of Stored Water: Convenience on the Go: Carrying glass bottles filled with purified water offers convenient access to clean drinking water while on the move. Whether you are exploring distant regions, engaging in combat, or completing quests, having a portable water supply ensures that you are always prepared and hydrated. However, it is essential to keep an eye on the quantity of water you carry to avoid overburdening yourself and affecting your mobility.

In the harsh and unforgiving world of Sunkenland, obtaining clean drinking water is not only a necessity but also a matter of survival. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can acquire and utilize water purifiers effectively, ensuring a constant supply of clean water. Whether you choose the Simple Purifier or the Advanced Purifier, both options will significantly improve your chances of survival in Sunkenland. Remember to stay hydrated and enjoy your clean water supply in this treacherous world.