Angel Marquez
2023-09-14 07:29:30

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How To Get Swimsuit in Starfield! Discover expert tips & easy methods with our comprehensive gaming.

Starfield, the highly anticipated space exploration game, offers players a vast and immersive world to discover. Among the many exciting features and quests, acquiring a swimsuit is a must for those looking to enjoy the stunning beaches and water bodies within the game. However, the process of obtaining this item can vary depending on your preferred playstyle. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore multiple methods to help you obtain a swimsuit without engaging in conflicts with factions. Whether you prefer a peaceful exploration or a more adventurous path, we have got you covered. So, let's dive into the world of Starfield and discover the perfect way to get your hands on that coveted swimsuit!

Stealing from Paradiso Hotel (Not Recommended for Non-Conflict Players) 

Stealing is one way to acquire a swimsuit in Starfield, but it may not be the ideal method for those who prefer to avoid conflicts with factions. The Paradiso Hotel, a luxurious establishment known for its opulence, is the target for this approach. By infiltrating the hotel and discreetly pilfering the swimsuit, you can add it to your inventory.

However, it's important to note that stealing from the Paradiso Hotel may have consequences. The hotel is likely to be well-guarded, and if you are caught, it could lead to hostile encounters with the faction controlling the establishment. This method is better suited for players who enjoy a more confrontational playstyle and are willing to face the consequences of their actions.

Buying from Trading Authority 

For those who prefer a non-confrontational approach, purchasing a swimsuit is an excellent alternative. In Starfield, the Trading Authority serves as a reliable source for buying and selling various items. To obtain the swimsuit through this method, you can sell any valuable items you possess to the Trading Authority and use the currency earned to purchase the swimsuit.

The Trading Authority operates in designated zones within the game world. Look for their kiosks or shops, where you can interact with NPCs who handle the buying and selling transactions. While this method may require some resource management and strategic decision-making, it offers a safer and more peaceful way to obtain the swimsuit.

Exploring Blue Circular Houses 

Embark on a scavenging adventure by exploring the blue circular houses located at the beach. These houses, often scattered along the coastline, hold hidden treasures, including the elusive swimsuit. Begin your search by venturing into these intriguing structures and meticulously examining each room.

The beach houses in Starfield are known for their unique architecture and vibrant colors. To increase your chances of finding the swimsuit, focus on the circular houses with blue exteriors. These structures are typically designed to blend seamlessly with the surrounding environment, making them an exciting and picturesque part of your exploration.

Checking Lockers in Blue Circular Houses 

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While exploring the blue circular houses, pay close attention to the lockers scattered throughout these dwellings. These lockers often contain valuable items, including the swimsuit you seek. Be thorough in your search and check every locker you come across during your exploration.

The lockers within these houses may vary in size and style, but they are generally easy to spot. Open each locker with anticipation, as you never know what treasures await inside. The swimsuit could be hidden among other clothing items or stashed away in a secret compartment. Stay vigilant and leave no locker unchecked in your quest to find the perfect swimsuit.

Traveling to Paradiso System 

To reach Paradiso, the location where the swimsuit awaits, you must first travel to the Porrima System. Plan your journey accordingly, making sure to prepare your ship and gather any necessary resources before departure. Once you have arrived in the Porrima System, set your sights on the Paradiso System as your final destination.

The journey to the Paradiso System can be an adventure in itself. As you traverse the vastness of space, be sure to remain vigilant for any unexpected encounters or hidden quests along the way. Engage with NPCs, explore new planets, and immerse yourself in the rich lore and captivating landscapes that Starfield has to offer.

Exploring Paradiso Hotel 

Upon reaching the Paradiso System, make your way to the heart of it all – the Paradiso Hotel. This luxurious establishment not only offers rooms for rent but also hosts late-night parties and even wedding celebrations. Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere and take in the sights and sounds of this bustling hub.

While exploring the Paradiso Hotel, keep an eye out for any opportunities to acquire the swimsuit. It may be located within a guest's room, tucked away in a locker, or even on display in a boutique. Explore every nook and cranny, interact with NPCs, and gather information to increase your chances of finding the swimsuit before leaving the hotel.

Utilizing Trading Kiosks (Stolen Items)

If you managed to acquire the swimsuit through stealing or smuggling methods, you can still find a way to profit from it. Trading kiosks scattered throughout the game world accept stolen and smuggled items. However, these kiosks may be challenging to find in patrol-free areas.

If you have successfully obtained the swimsuit through less-than-legal means, keep an eye out for these trading kiosks. They offer an opportunity to sell your ill-gotten goods, allowing you to profit from your endeavors and perhaps acquire other valuable items in return. Exercise caution when using these kiosks, as they may be monitored, and your actions could draw unwanted attention.

Acquiring a swimsuit in Starfield opens the door to endless possibilities for relaxation, exploration, and enjoyment within the game's stunning beaches and water bodies. Whether you choose the confrontational path of stealing, the peaceful route of purchasing, or the adventurous journey of exploration, there are numerous ways to obtain the swimsuit without engaging in conflicts with factions. Remember, Starfield offers a dynamic and immersive gameplay experience, allowing players to tailor their adventures to suit their playstyles. So, choose the method that resonates with you, embark on your quest for the perfect swimsuit, and savor every moment of your adventures in the captivating universe of Starfield.

Xbox Series X|S, Microsoft Windows PC
Action role-playing
Bethesda Game Studios
Bethesda Softworks
Creation Engine 2
Release date:
September 6, 2023
age rating (PEGI):

Other Tags
video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam