Angel Marquez
2019-11-20 14:53:42

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The objective of this article is to solve with details how to beat the second sister Trilla in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order.

  In Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order we will have the opportunity to face the second threshing sister on many occasions, only that in these battles something happens that forces us to escape in some way, this when the second threshing sister at the end has the Holocron, which will be of great impulse The main content of this article that will explain to us How to beat the second sister Trilla.

  To know how to beat the second sister Trilla, we will take into account that this battle will be divided into two phases, if you want more details to complete this stage of Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order, go ahead.

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How to beat second sister Trilla (Phase 1) in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order?

 Guidelines to know how to beat the second sister Trilla in Phase 1 of the battle:

 In our previous meetings with Trilla we saw a lot of movements and combos, so this time it will start in the same way as in the previous battles, what is certain is that if you find holes in our defense it will be relentless, to take advantage from the beginning we must use our Force Slow as soon as possible, we will quickly evade around the side of the Second Sister, then we will use our double lightsabers, on the PS4 L1 Square and LB X on the Xbox One, in this way we will cause great damage , later we will see how useful this will become our Force Slow.

 The purpose of the Second Sister attack is to tear off the laser combo, so that this does not happen we must block it or avoid it, until at some point it glows red to carry an unlockable attack, they are the precise moments for us to carry out our attacks, once which ends one of these movements, we will evade it and give it some blows with our lightsaber, another option is that with our Force Slow we will look for a blow on his head with Y on the Xbox One or the Triangle on the PS4 , or we can also use the double lightsaber again, when performing this movement we must be prepared so that threshing will escape when we hit it with the Force Slow so we should not try to hit it anymore.

How to beat second sister Trilla (Phase 2) in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order?

 Guidelines to know how to beat the second sister Trilla in Phase 2 of the battle:

 The results of the previous phase led us to reduce half of the threshing health, in this phase 2 will have new attacks, one of these is an AOE shock wave attack, in which she will take a turn before hitting the ground with your hand, we must take a count for this attack, if we are not going to receive tremendous damage, so its consequence we will be targeted by the Second Sister, in addition, it is possible that threshing summons a droid to perform a ping with a powerful shot, to do this we must focus on blocking the attacks of the second sister, since the greatest damage can cause them is if we focus more on the droid.

 The Force Pull will be our best card to use against the droid and with the Force Push we will return it with threshing, which will cost a good part of his health, now, the second attack of the second sister is the most lethal, This is the Force Drain, we will realize that you will perform this movement when you save your saber and it will glow red so that you will perform an unlockable attack, we must wait for the ideal moment to evade it, if we do not have patience it will drain our health and we It will cause great harm.

 With a third of health left to Trilla, there is an event of lightsaber clashes between her and Cal, and with this we will be ready for the final battle with Trilla in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order, patience will be our greatest advantage, take time to know when it drops his guard, after he attacks us with great combo attacks or one of his unlockable attacks, which will leave her vulnerable for us to attack.

 If you are playing the Star Wars: Fallen Order Jedi on either the difficulty of the Jedi Master or the Jedi Grand Master, it is worth noting that Trilla will throw his lightsaber at you several times.

 It is important that we keep in mind that if we play in the difficulty of Jedi Master or Jedi Grand Master, threshing will throw us several times his lightsaber, several consecutive times, so we must be prepared since it will drain our resistance meter or the damage caused will be great, but in the end we will beat Trilla in the court scene and we will have to go to the Mantis.

 The explanation came to an end, that we follow all the guidelines in this article, we will know how to beat the second sister Trilla in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order, without any problem if we apply this content.

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