Lidia Rozo
2019-11-29 13:17:55

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We bring to you a guide on How to find all the abandoned workshop chests in the Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order universe.

 The workshop chests are highly necessary elements, because they are part of the collectibles that we must have with us, so here we will explain how to find all the abandoned workshop chests, through a journey through the planet Bogano.

What are the necessary skills to find all the workshop chests in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order?

 The first thing we must know is that the abandoned workshop is on the planet Bogano, this contains 4 coffers, a place that we can get the most out of, but to do this is necessary to have skills, navigation ability, with which we can travel enough space in order to explore, which allows us to make use of Jedi Flip and underwater breathing device, if we know how to make correct use of 2 skills we will have the opportunity to know How to find all the abandoned workshop coffers.

What are the strategies to use to find all the workshop boxes in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order?


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ü Emitter of luminous saber Courage and Wisdom: in order to achieve this it is necessary to approach the area of the needle where we will be near the chest.

 ü Offshore poncho material: this strategy takes us to go to the scourge after sailing through the Sinkholes, and reach Tarzan where there are plenty of bones, for which we will have to use the Scomp link where the chest will be close, this allows us to be a fish out of the water for a certain time.

 ü Sable laser of laminated steel: to make use of this strategy it is necessary to stay in the roofs as much as possible, because in this place we will see that there is a chest which is taken with material of light saber.

 ü Laser sabre switch value and wisdom: here our strategy is to swim to the needle, where we will have the option of getting a chest when we dive into the water, to get to state we will have to have made use before Force Push.

 We can conclude by saying that knowing how to find all the abandoned workshop boxes in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order, are part of the collectibles we need throughout the game.

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