Find out Where to Find the Trader in Garbage in Stalker 2 with our detailed guide today.
In Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl, players have to go to the Garbage Area north of the Lesser Zone to obtain supplies necessary for survival. One will find traders in this area. Players can purchase ammunition, medical kits, and different kinds of weapons and attachments from the traders. Traders are one of the major traders within the game.
Within the "Answers come at a Price" assignment, players had to be transported to a Detention Center because this is their meeting with Star before leaving to explore the Garbage zone. Following that point, they have complete latitude in movement in the respective area - now traders around the area are already out of display in maps. Let us find an easy way as to where one can be able to find a trader in the Stalker 2 Garbage zone.
Where to Find the Trader in Garbage in Stalker 2?
In Stalker 2's Garbage zone, at the Slag Heap base, you will find the Traders. Once the task "The Price Goes Up" starts, you can access the base. For the task, you need to meet Diode at the Slag heap. Diode is the technician for Nestor, who is the Kingpin of the Garbage zone, so meeting him is imperative.
Two merchants can be found in the Slag Heap in Garbage by players, through whom players may purchase and sell items.
You can obtain everything you need to take out the radioactive hazards in The Zone from Gunrunner "Huron" the Equipment Trader, who is also the primary trader at Slag Heap. Once inside the Slag Heap via the second entrance, head into the room to the left of the entrance where a guide is standing, and that is where you will find him.
To find Shah's cache—which holds a famous SMG weapon—players can undertake the "No Honor Among Thieves" side quest.
Alcohol "Boozer" and participant of the Bar Tools Market
The trader that serves as Stalker 2's secondary trader in the Garbage zone is Boozer, a bartender at Slag Heap. He typically sells food and drinks to players and is a pretty chill guy. Alternatively, you can just offer him a decent price for all that extra junk clogging up your store.
The player can also choose between several side tasks given by him, titled "A Job For Boozer." In Stalker 2, players can get Coupons by completing these mostly filler quests.
Bruise is the third trader in Stalker 2's Garbage Region; however, he is mostly aggressive, and a way to ally with him has not been discovered at this time.
We conclude this guide on Where to Find the Trader in Garbage in Stalker 2, hoping that you can follow our steps and do the search easily.
Platform(s): Windows PC, Xbox Series X/S
Genre(s): First-person shooter, survival horror
Developer(s): GSC Game World
Publisher(s):GSC Game World
Release date: 20 November 2024
Mode: Single-player, multiplayer
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