How to Fix Stalker 2 Heart of Chornobyl Stuck at Behind Seven Seals Mission

Lidia Rozo
2024-12-02 04:48:55

Today we bring you an explanatory guide on How to Fix Stalker 2 Heart of Chornobyl Stuck at Behind Seven Seals Mission with precise details.

Reviewers are starting to take notice of Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl after its rocky launch, during which players encountered a number of issues. In that case, where is the main storyline at this point? So, it seems like you're currently at the Behind Seven Seals task, where the door won't budge, and you're reading this because of that! Can you tell me what you're doing wrong? Another possibility is that this is an error. There must be a solution, right? Every single answer is right here.

Players have been frustrated by the "Behind Seven Seals" since they are unable to access the door in the underground section. You can do everything, but the door just won't budge, even though you know you have to cross it to move on. The door should open itself, according to the instructions you may find online.  Without further ado, then, let us address the core issue.

Stalker 2: How to Fix Heart of Chornobyl Stuck at Behind Seven Seals Mission

Overall, people are still not entirely clear on whether this is a bug or the result of certain player decisions within the game. In any case, we conducted some digging online and came up with some helpful material from other impacted players. Remember that patch 1.0.2 fixed a plethora of issues, including the locked door and NPC problems. The patch notes, however, failed to address the issue with the locked door or this specific objective. Even if there has been no official announcement, you can still give these suggestions a shot and see if you can get beyond that blasted door!

Update 1.0.2

If you haven't already, download Patch 1.0.2 and install it. That should be your first step. Like I said before, this patch repaired a plethora of problems that could have caused the Behind Seven Seals mission's locked door bug. So, check Steam for an update if you haven't already downloaded the most recent patch! Be sure you always have the most recent version of the game installed, as the creators are always issuing patches to fix these issues with progress.

Was the key sold?

You may have unwittingly sold a crucial key that is required to get through the "Behind Seven Seals" quest if you find yourself stopped there. You can sell some quest items, but you'll lose access to the door if you sell the key. To fix this, you can try loading a previous save that still has the key. This time, keep it to yourself!

Utilize the primary entryway

Crouching low, evading discovery, and discreetly eliminating soldiers with a silenced pistol is another option to try if you don't have the key or code for the underground passage. Following the Solder cutscene, you must eliminate two additional enemies before you can obtain Ozk's Explorer Suit. Make your way through the tunnels, dodging mutant rats along the way, until you reach the acid anomaly channel that leads out of the sphere.

Climbed in from a height?

According to certain players, the path you take into Solder's bunker is related to becoming stranded at the door in the Behind Seven Seals missions. You must have climbed into the facility from on high if you ran into this glitch. Here are some options available to you if you did that: restore a previous save, veer away from the path you previously followed, and attempt to access the cave from the outside this time. You should now be able to continue with the assignment.

Finally, now that we know How to Fix Stalker 2 Heart of Chornobyl Stuck at Behind Seven Seals Mission, we will have to apply it to return our fun to normal.

Platform(s): Windows PC, Xbox Series X/S
Genre(s): First-person shooter, survival horror
Developer(s): GSC Game World
Publisher(s):GSC Game World
Engine: Unreal Engine 5
Release date: 20 November 2024
Mode: Single-player, multiplayer
age rating (PEGI): +18

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