We have made a practical guide to explain How to Complete Behind Seven Seals Mission in Stalker 2.
Playing as "Behind Seven Seals" is the second objective in Stalker 2. In the previous quest, Solder, an important character in the main plot, gave you coordinates and let you enter the Exclusion Zone. In order to restore the strange abilities of a worn relic, he told you to position your scanner in a certain spot. But it was all a ruse by Solder; some hostile troops took the scanner and rendered you unconscious.
In the Behind Seven Seals mission, your primary objective is to locate Solder and confront him. Well, this sets the setting for that purpose.
Guideline for the "Behind Seven Seals" assignment in Stalker 2.
Your choices in Stalker 2's Behind Seven Seals assignment will have major effects on the storyline. There are four alternative endings in this game, and your choice dictates how the story goes.
When you come to, Richter appears in a cutscene and throws you a bolt, an important item. You are surrounded by an anomaly field, which, if touched, can be lethal. Throwing the bolt into the anomaly will neutralize it for a while, long enough to cross.
Next, Richter sends you to Zalissya, where you are supposed to speak with Warlock, a bartender with interesting information. You can do so after completing another quest entitled A Tough Awakening.
Approach the settlement of Zalissya and keep your weapon holstered. The Behind Seven Seals quest will officially be triggered when you approach the house that is highlighted by a yellow exclamation mark. Prepare for a pretty long cinematic scene:.
Warlock'll give you two leads at the end of the scene: Zotov of the Ward, and Gaffer, a guide who made his name helping out beginners. Which one you track Solder down with is determined now:
Zotov and Gaffer are begging you to help them retrieve sensors that a guy named Squint has stolen. A Needle in a Haystack is another primary quest that is activated when you are brought to a warehouse to start your mission.
Launch your notebook and choose "Piece of Cake" as your tracking method.
After collecting the artifact, head back to Squint in order to obtain the Ward sensors. This will complete Piece of Cake and advance you on Behind Seven Seals, the major quest.
Both options show where Solder is, but this one changes how the story develops.
If you want an easier way, choose Zotov. After he returns the sensors, Zotov learns from Solder's confession that he is an IPSF technician stationed at the Sphere—a place where anomalies are supposedly mapped. He also mentions a reliable insider who can assist you in covertly infiltrating the Sphere.
Head to the location of the Sphere. Outside is the insider who owes Zotov a favor. Find a way inside, either forcefully or wait for an opening and go in quietly. Expect a number of armed soldiers to be there, so you should be prepared.
During the Behind Seven Seals quest, Zotov's insider can help you sneak into the Sphere. Image by GSC Game World || YouTube/@WoW Quests
When inside, go left. You'll notice a big building with a sphere on top. On the left side, you can find a gap in the wall. Move through it. Turn left and head down the hall off the first door. When you reach the hallway door, take an immediate right to find a stairwell heading down.
Go down to your knees and follow the path to the other staircase. At the end, you should find a door. Enter, clear out the troops that are set up, and head straight through. Turn left at the first locked door and head down the hallway. Then, head to the first closed door on the right and open it. Solder is inside.
As you approach him, a cinematic reveals that a confrontation with Solder is in order. It seems that Nestor, the owner of the company selling scanners, has Solder as a pawn in a larger scheme. Solder reveals that Nestor is positioned north of Zalissya.
After this sequence, Solder will launch another assault on you. Now is the time to decide whether to kill him or just knock him out. The storyline could be impacted in the future by this choice.
After the fight is over, head back to the starting point and leave the Sphere area. Call Zotov en route and inform him that Solder is no more than a pawn for Nestor. Zotov instructs you to meet his soldiers at a checkpoint in the west.
Reach the checkpoint by going to the little pontoon bridge. You have to cross it in order to leave the Lesser Zone, which is your last objective. The Behind Seven Seals quest in Stalker 2 will now be complete.
We hope that the unormation contributed about How to Complete Behind Seven Seals Mission in Stalker 2, be useful and take advantage of the game.