Lidia Rozo
2023-10-20 03:40:51

Discover solutions to How to Fix Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Not Starting. Easy, step-by-step guide to troubleshoot.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is an incredibly popular game that has captured the hearts of gamers around the world. However, like any game, it can sometimes encounter issues that prevent it from starting or opening on the PlayStation 5. If you're experiencing this problem, don't fret! In this blog post, we will walk you through a step-by-step guide on how to fix Marvel's Spider-Man 2 not starting on your PlayStation 5. By following these friendly steps, you'll be able to get back into the swing of things with Spidey in no time!

How to Fix Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Not Starting

Update the Game

The first step in resolving any issues with Marvel's Spider-Man 2 not starting is to ensure that the game is up to date. To do this, head over to the PS5 Store and check for any updates available for Spider-Man 2. Developers often release patches and updates to address bugs and improve performance, so updating the game might resolve any issues preventing it from starting.

Update the Console

In addition to updating the game, it's also important to make sure that your PlayStation 5 console is running the latest system software. To check for updates, go to the PS5 Settings and select "System." If there is a new system software update available, you will see an option that says "Update Available." Click on it and let the update install. This update may include fixes and improvements that could resolve any compatibility issues causing Spider-Man 2 not to start.

Rebuild the PS5 Database

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If updating the game and the console didn't solve the problem, the next step is to rebuild your PS5 database. This process can help resolve any underlying issues that may be preventing Spider-Man 2 from starting. Follow these steps to rebuild your PS5 database:

  • - Turn off your PS5 by pressing the Power Button on the front of the console.
  • - Unplug all cables connected to the console.
  • - Press and hold the Power Button for 7 seconds until you hear a beep. This will ensure that the PS5 is completely turned off.
  • - After releasing the button, press and hold it again for two seconds until you hear a second beep. This will open up the PS5 Safe Mode.

Connect Your Controller

While in Safe Mode, you'll need to connect your controller to the PS5 using a USB cable. This will allow you to navigate through the Safe Mode menu and perform the necessary steps to fix the issue.

Enter Safe Mode

To enter Safe Mode, press the PS button on your controller. This will bring up the Safe Mode menu on your TV screen.

Clear Cache and Rebuild Database

In the Safe Mode menu, navigate to the "Clear Cache and Rebuild Database" option. This option will clear any temporary files or corrupted data that may be causing issues with Spider-Man 2.

Wait for Database Rebuild

Once you've selected the "Clear Cache and Rebuild Database" option, your PS5 will begin the process of rebuilding its database. This process may take some time, depending on the amount of data stored on your console, so be patient and allow it to complete.

Restart Your PS5

Once the database rebuild is complete, you can restart your PS5 normally. This will exit Safe Mode and allow you to start Marvel's Spider-Man 2 as you normally would.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve any issues preventing Marvel's Spider-Man 2 from starting or opening on your PlayStation 5. It's always frustrating when a game you love encounters problems, but thankfully, there are usually simple solutions to get you back into the action. Remember to update the game and console, rebuild your PS5 database, and restart your console. With these steps, you'll be swinging through the streets of New York City as Spidey once again. Happy gaming!

PlayStation 5 PS5
Insomniac Games, Marvel Games, Nixxes Software
Sony Interactive Entertainment
Release date:
October 20, 2023
age rating (PEGI):

Other Tags
video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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