Lidia Rozo
2023-10-20 03:32:43

Master How to do tricks in the air in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 You'll be web-slinging like a pro in no time!

Welcome, web-slingers! In this guide, we'll cover some exhilarating air tricks you can perform in Marvel's Spider-Man 2. Get ready to take your swinging skills to new heights as we break down each trick step-by-step. So grab your controller and let's dive into the world of aerial acrobatics!

How to do tricks in the air in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

 Front Pike

The Front Pike is all about grace and fluidity. To perform this trick, simply push the left analogue stick up. As you do so, Spidey will lean forward and execute a graceful front somersault in the air. It's a simple trick that adds a touch of elegance to your maneuvers.

Tip: While performing the Front Pike, make sure to keep an eye on Spidey's position to maintain control and prevent any unwanted collisions.

 Inverse Pike

If you're looking to add some flair to your aerial repertoire, the Inverse Pike is the trick for you. Push the left analogue stick down to execute a reverse somersault with style. This trick showcases Spidey's ability to defy gravity and adds a twist to your maneuvers.

Tip: Remember to maintain balance during the trick to ensure a smooth execution.

 Turtle Spin / Indy Grab

For those looking to channel their inner turtle or pay homage to Indiana Jones, the Turtle Spin or Indy Grab is the perfect trick. Push the left analogue stick left to spin around like a turtle or perform a stylish grab like Indy.

Tip: Experiment with different timing for unique variations of this trick. You can vary the speed and rhythm of the spin or grab to add your own personal touch.

Curly Fry

The Curly Fry is all about twisting and turning through the air like a deliciously crispy fry. To perform this trick, push the left analogue stick right. Spidey will twist and turn, emulating the shape of a curly fry.

Tip: While performing the Curly Fry, keep an eye on Spidey's orientation to maintain control and ensure a smooth execution.


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The Cannonball is a versatile trick that can be used to gain speed or prepare for other tricks. To perform the Cannonball, push the left analogue stick up and down simultaneously. Spidey will tuck himself into a compact ball mid-air, resembling a cannonball.

Tip: The Cannonball is perfect for gaining speed when you need to cover long distances quickly. It can also serve as a setup for other tricks, allowing you to seamlessly transition from one maneuver to another.



If you're looking for a trick that showcases elegance and grace, the Windmill is the perfect choice. To execute this trick, push the left analogue stick right and left alternately. Spidey will emulate the graceful motion of a windmill, spinning with rotating movements.

Tip: Focus on smooth transitions between directions to maximize the effect of the Windmill. The key is to maintain a fluid and continuous motion throughout the trick.

 Dragon Roll

Channel your inner dragon with the Dragon Roll. To perform this trick, push the left analogue stick left and right alternately. Spidey will roll through the air, showcasing your agility and flexibility.

Tip: Precise timing is crucial to achieve seamless rolls. Practice this trick to ensure you can execute it smoothly and effortlessly.

 Side Tuck

If you're looking to add some flair to your aerial maneuvers, the Side Tuck is the trick for you. Push the left analogue stick left and up simultaneously to tuck your body while tilting to the side. This adds a touch of style and visual interest to your tricks.

Tip: Experiment with various angles to create different visual effects. The Side Tuck is a versatile trick that can be combined with other maneuvers to create unique and impressive sequences.

Rolie Polie

The Rolie Polie is all about flexibility and rolling twists. To perform this trick, push the left analogue stick right and up simultaneously. Spidey will execute a rolling twist in mid-air, showcasing your agility and control.

Tip: Maintain control by focusing on smooth transitions between the rolling twists. Practice until each movement flows seamlessly into the next.

 Backside Stailfish

Combine multiple movements to execute an impressive backside tail grab with the Backside Stailfish. To perform this trick, push the left analogue stick left, right, and down consecutively. This combination of movements adds a touch of complexity and visual interest to your aerial maneuvers.

Tip: Practice the timing of each movement to ensure a clean execution. The key is to maintain control and balance throughout the trick.

 Backside Wacky

Unleash some wild moves with the Backside Wacky. To perform this trick, push the left analogue stick right, left, and down consecutively. Spidey will perform a combination of flips and grabs that will surely impress everyone around.

Tip: Remember to maintain control and balance throughout the trick. Practice until you can execute each movement with precision and fluidity.

Pan Stall

For those looking to showcase versatility and quick direction changes, the Pan Stall is the perfect trick. To perform this trick, push the left analogue stick right, down, up, and left consecutively. Spidey will execute a series of quick direction changes mid-air, adding flair and visual interest to your maneuvers.

Tip: Timing is key in executing the Pan Stall. Practice until each movement flows seamlessly into the next, creating a smooth and impressive sequence.

Congratulations! You've now mastered a variety of air tricks in Marvel's Spider-Man 2. Whether you're soaring through the city or engaging in high-flying battles, these maneuvers will surely impress everyone around. So get out there, have fun experimenting with different combinations, and keep pushing the boundaries of what Spidey can do in the air! Happy swinging!

PlayStation 5 PS5
Insomniac Games, Marvel Games, Nixxes Software
Sony Interactive Entertainment
Release date:
October 20, 2023
age rating (PEGI):

Other Tags
video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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