Angel Marquez
2023-08-14 08:20:18

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Learn How to get more bell towers in Sengoku Dynasty! Our guide offers step-by-step instructions.

Sengoku Dynasty is an immersive and captivating game that takes players on a journey through a vibrant and dynamic world. One of the essential gameplay elements in Sengoku Dynasty is the bell towers. These towers not only serve as a visual centerpiece but also provide numerous benefits, such as building new villages, changing seasons, and traveling between areas. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of obtaining your first bell tower and then discuss how to build additional ones to enhance your gameplay experience.

Obtaining the First Bell Tower

Step 1: Gather 20 Planks from Toshichi

To begin your quest for a bell tower, you need to gather 20 planks from Toshichi, a friendly NPC found in the village. Planks are essential for crafting the bell tower, and Toshichi can provide you with the necessary materials. Interact with Toshichi and select the option to acquire planks. He will give you a simple task or quest to complete, such as collecting certain resources or defeating a specific number of enemies. Once you fulfill the requirements, Toshichi will reward you with the planks needed for building your first bell tower.

Step 2: Use the Adze to Obtain the Bell

With the planks in your possession, it's time to obtain the bell necessary for crafting the tower. To do this, you will need an adze, a tool used for woodworking. The adze can be found in various locations within the game, such as resource points or through completing certain quests. Once you have the adze, approach a bell object and interact with it. Use the adze to carefully remove the bell from its mount, ensuring that you don't damage the bell in the process. Once the bell is obtained, it's time to move on to the next step.

Step 3: Craft the Tower near a Resource Point

Now that you have both the planks and the bell, it's time to craft your first bell tower. Find a suitable location near a resource point where you can place the tower. The proximity to a resource point is important because it ensures easy access to essential materials and resources for village growth and development. Once you have chosen the perfect spot, open your crafting menu and select the bell tower option. Follow the on-screen instructions to combine the planks and the bell, crafting your very first bell tower.

Building Additional Bell Towers

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Step 1: Reach Level 7 Dynasty

To unlock the ability to build more bell towers, you'll need to achieve level 7 Dynasty. Dynasty levels are earned by completing various quests, activities, and challenges within the game. As you progress through the game and gain experience, your Dynasty level will naturally increase. Keep an eye on the Dynasty progress bar and work towards reaching level 7 to unlock the next stage of your bell tower journey.

Step 2: Complete Main Story Quests and Talk to the Abbot

Once you've reached level 7 Dynasty, it's time to focus on completing main story quests and interacting with the Abbot. The main story quests not only unveil the rich lore and narrative of Sengoku Dynasty but also serve as a gateway to additional bells for building new towers. Pay close attention to the quest objectives and complete them diligently to progress through the story. After completing specific tasks or milestones, make sure to visit the Abbot and engage in conversation.

Step 3: Receiving Bells from the Abbot

By interacting with the Abbot, you will be rewarded with additional bells that allow you to build more towers. These bells serve as a symbol of your progress and achievements within the game. The Abbot will provide you with these bells as you reach significant milestones, complete challenging quests, or contribute to the development of your village. Make it a habit to regularly check in with the Abbot to receive your well-deserved rewards and expand your bell tower collection.

In Sengoku Dynasty, bell towers play a crucial role in the overall gameplay experience. They provide numerous benefits, including the ability to build new villages, change seasons, and travel between areas. By following the steps outlined in this friendly guide, you can obtain your first bell tower, gather more materials, and unlock the ability to build additional towers. Remember to complete main story quests, interact with the Abbot, and explore the diverse gameplay elements associated with bell towers. With each new tower, your influence and impact on the world of Sengoku Dynasty will grow, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the rich and captivating gameplay experience.

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