Lidia Rozo
2023-08-14 08:22:25

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Learn the secrets of how to get crows eggs in Sengoku Dynasty! Our guide will help you find and collect.

Welcome to our friendly guide on how to obtain crow's eggs in Sengoku Dynasty. Follow these simple steps to complete the quest and make progress in your adventure!

Sengoku Dynasty is a captivating game that takes players on a thrilling journey through ancient Japan. Along the way, players encounter various quests and challenges that require skill, strategy, and resourcefulness. One such quest involves obtaining crow's eggs, which are a valuable and rare item in the game. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to find crow's eggs and complete the quest successfully.

 Leaving Sosogi Town and Finding the Crow's Nest

To begin your quest for crow's eggs, leave Sosogi Town and venture into the breathtaking landscapes of ancient Japan. As you make your way through the town, take a moment to admire the beautiful cherry trees that line the path. These trees not only add aesthetic appeal to the game but also serve as landmarks to guide you towards your destination.

As you continue on the path, keep an eye out for a small rocky cliff along the way. This rocky cliff will lead you to a crow's nest, where the coveted crow's eggs can be found. Carefully navigate your way up the cliff, being mindful of any obstacles or enemies that may impede your progress.

Once you reach the crow's nest, take a moment to appreciate the stunning view of the surrounding landscape. Crow's nests are typically found in high places, allowing crows to keep a watchful eye over their territory. In Sengoku Dynasty, these nests serve as hiding spots for crow's eggs, which are highly sought after for their magical properties.

Carefully collect one crow's egg from the nest, ensuring that you handle it with care. Crow's eggs are delicate and must be handled gently to avoid breaking them. Once you have secured the crow's egg, it's time to move on to the next step of the quest.

 Cooking the Crow's Egg

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With the crow's egg in hand, it's time to find a suitable spot to cook it. Look for a nearby campfire, which is a common feature in the game's world. Campfires are not only used for cooking but also serve as resting spots for weary travelers.

Once you have located a campfire, prepare it for cooking. Gather some firewood and arrange it in a neat pile, ensuring that it is properly set up to sustain a fire. Use flint or a fire starter to ignite the firewood, taking care not to burn yourself in the process.

Once the fire is roaring, carefully place the crow's egg on a makeshift cooking surface. This can be a flat rock or a metal plate found near the campfire. Allow the egg to cook over the open flame, turning it occasionally to ensure even cooking. Keep a close eye on the egg to prevent it from burning or becoming overcooked.

As the egg cooks, you may notice its color changing from translucent to opaque. This is a sign that the egg is nearing completion. Once the yolk is firm and the egg white is cooked through, carefully remove the crow's egg from the fire.

 Heading towards Inari Shrine

With the cooked crow's egg in hand, it's time to embark on the next leg of your journey towards the Inari Shrine. Head east from your current location, following the road that leads away from Chiyome's hut. The road will guide you through lush forests, serene streams, and picturesque landscapes.

As you make your way eastward, keep an eye out for a stream and boulders. The stream serves as a natural boundary for the area, while the boulders provide an exciting climbing challenge. Take your time to navigate the boulders, ensuring that you maintain your balance and avoid any potential falls.

Once you have successfully climbed the boulders, you will be rewarded with a breathtaking view of a wooden fence and Torii gates. These gates mark the entrance to the sacred grounds of the Inari Shrine, a place of great spiritual significance in Sengoku Dynasty.

Placing Cooked Egg inside Inari Shrine

Now that you have reached the Inari Shrine, it's time to find an appropriate spot within the shrine to place your cooked crow's egg. Take a moment to soak in the atmosphere of the shrine, with its peaceful ambiance and intricate architectural details.

Within the shrine, you will find various altars and sacred spaces. Search for an area that resonates with you, a place that feels right for your offering. Once you have found the perfect spot, place your cooked crow's egg gently, showing respect for the shrine and its traditions.

Placing the cooked crow's egg inside the Inari Shrine completes your quest for crow's eggs in Sengoku Dynasty. Take a moment to reflect on your journey and appreciate the significance of your accomplishment. The crow's egg is not just a valuable item in the game but also a symbol of your perseverance and resourcefulness.

Congratulations! By following this friendly guide, you have successfully obtained crow's eggs in Sengoku Dynasty. We hope this information has been helpful in enhancing your gaming experience. The quest for crow's eggs is just one of the many exciting adventures that await you in this enchanting world. As you continue your journey through Sengoku Dynasty, remember to embrace the challenges, explore the landscapes, and immerse yourself in the rich lore of the game. May your adventures be filled with excitement, discovery, and triumph.

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