Angel Marquez
2021-05-18 08:44:27

Today we bring you a Rust guide where we will explain how to play with friends in the console edition.

What to know about Rust?

The key to surviving in this game can be to be able to play with friends, having greater chances of success, while we are going to survive the different obstacles such as assailants and other threats, only that there is no direct way to be with our friends, not even when sending invitations to them, so if we want to understand How to play with friends in the console edition it is appropriate to have the guidance that is presented next in this guide, let's see.

How to play with friends in the console edition in Rust?

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It is important that we are all on the same server, then one of us must have the necessary space for it, then tell the others to join Rust, then when we are in the game what we will do is create a team through the menu, then we approach our friends to invite them, choosing to invite the team, in this way they will be able to join, we will know that they are friends because their names will be in green and their heads will be green points, then we are going to see How to play with friends in the console edition, to find them we open the map and locate them, especially if they appear on the same beach, only that some of them can be seen in different places on the map when connecting, that is when we need the fabric to create a bag of sleep, we put it on the ground and when we open the options' menu we give it to a friend, which assigns a spawn point for it, then it can die and appear where we have the bag near we can do it for each friend in the same way.

Keep in mind that the private servers are not yet available in terms of How to play with friends in the console edition, for now we can only play in Rust as indicated before, having a private game has its cost, but doing so allows to have 30 days of continuous server time, being then necessary the monthly payment to maintain it, the standard being the default option, but there is a more expensive package that allows having a larger map, choice of monuments and multiplying the collection, only Between the PlayStation and Xbox versions this game turns out to be Crossplay, this is enabled for their servers, while those of PC we cannot play with those that are on the console, which is why it is not fair in relation to the equality conditions Besides, the console version is also different from the one that has time on the PC.

In conclusion, knowing how to play with friends in the console edition allows you to have more fun during the gaming experience in Rust.