Edelmira Leon
2022-03-30 08:10:35

Pay attention if you want to know where to find orange in Rune Factory 5 5, because in the next article we will tell you how to find them.

What are oranges in Rune Factory 5?

Recently, we talked about apples and just like you can imagine, oranges are one of the fruits that you can find in the game to prepare many recipes such as desserts and medicines. But although in the apple guide we gave you a mouth opener on how to obtain oranges, there are some things that you still do not know.

Where to find orange in Rune Factory 5?

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Oranges grow on orange trees in Phoros Woodlands, so you'll need to head to the region's entrance and take a few steps. In Phoros Uplands you will have to go near the intersection > turn left to find the orange tree.

In order to harvest oranges you will have to use your SEED grabber, which you must aim at the orange while holding ZL and then release the seal. Just like apples, this tree also bears new fruit every morning.

Oranges can also be farmed, though for them you'll need to get the Foresight Crest, after raising your SEED rank high enough. This rank can be raised by subjugating monsters.

Already with the Foresight Crest, you can occasionally go to these two places:

  • The tall vine in the Kelve volcanic region
  • The Lonely Tree Stump in Phoros Woodlands

You will be able to see the seed using the Foresight Crest, but keep in mind that the type of fruit seed you get is random and the area will not spawn one every day. So you will have to search every time you can until you find the one with the orange tree.

 That's all you need to know about where to find orange in Rune Factory 5, so we hope we have been as helpful as possible so that you can quickly find the oranges you require without a problem.