Daniel Hidalgo
2022-03-30 09:10:19

If you don't know how to find feathers in Rune Factory 5 you are in the right place, because today we will tell you how to find them.

What are feathers in Rune Factory 5?

It is one of the many crafting materials that you can find in the game and that, like the claws, you can use to craft various items.

How to find feathers in Rune Factory 5?

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Emperor penguins often shed feathers. Many can be found around Lake Yumina and in the Crystal Caverns of Meline, west of Rigbarth. You will be able to access these areas after progressing far enough in the game.

You can tame emperor penguins and they will give you a bird feather every morning. You can tame them using anything, including grass herbs. They can give you higher level feathers the higher their friendship level, so we recommend putting them in a barn on the Ice Dragon, to make them happier.

  Now that you know how to find feathers in Rune Factory 5, we hope we have been as helpful as possible so you can find and get the most out of feathers.