Angel Marquez
2023-11-01 02:54:43

How to find the secret room and achievement in RoboCop Rogue City! Discover our easy guide and step up your game. 

Welcome, fellow gamers! In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to find the secret room and unlock the "Good eyes, Murphy!" achievement in RoboCop Rogue City. So put on your detective hat and let's get started!

How to find the secret room and achievement in RoboCop Rogue City

Section 1: Locating Officer Briggs

To begin your journey to find the secret room, you'll first need to make your way to the quarry area in RoboCop Rogue City. This area is known for its rugged terrain and abandoned machinery. Once you arrive at the quarry, you'll need to locate Officer Briggs. He can usually be found near one of the large cranes or in the vicinity of the mining equipment. Look for his distinct police uniform and follow the sound of his voice to track him down.

Section 2: Heading West to the Train Engine

After finding Officer Briggs, it's time to head west towards the train engine located on the tracks. This train engine is an old, rusted relic from a bygone era. As you make your way towards it, be cautious of any enemies or obstacles that may stand in your path. Keep your weapon at the ready and be prepared for any surprises that may arise.

Section 3: Activating the Panel

Once you reach the train engine, you'll notice a panel on one side. This panel is the key to unlocking the secret room. However, activating it won't be an easy task. You'll need to have at least 3 points in the engineering skillset to successfully activate the panel. If you haven't invested in this skillset, you may need to backtrack and acquire the necessary points before proceeding.

Section 4: Exploring Down the Hallway

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After successfully activating the panel, a hidden door will open, revealing a secret hallway inside the train. As you step inside, be prepared for a dark and eerie atmosphere. The hallway stretches out before you, and you'll need to navigate your way through it to reach the secret room. Along the way, keep an eye out for any valuable items or clues that may aid you in your journey. You may stumble upon an OCP recovery charge, which can be a lifesaver during intense battles, as well as a Train Operator's Handbook, which contains vital information.

Section 5: Scanning and Deduction Points

As you explore the hallway, you'll come across various objects and documents that can be scanned using your in-game scanning ability. One such item is the Train Operator's Handbook. By scanning this document, you'll gain valuable insight and accumulate deduction points. These deduction points are crucial for progressing further in your quest to find the secret room. Make sure to scan everything you come across to maximize your deduction points.

Section 6: Starting the Train Engine

With sufficient deduction points, you'll be able to start up the train engine. As you do so, brace yourself for an exhilarating ride. The train engine will crash through heavy doors and come to a rest in a garage. Hold on tight and enjoy the adrenaline rush as you experience the power of the train engine in action.

Section 7: Climbing to Reach The Secret Room

Once the train engine has come to a stop, it's time to climb. Look for a ladder located on top of the train. Ascend this ladder, and it will lead you to a balcony that grants access to the secret room. This climb may require some nimble footwork, so be sure to take your time and proceed with caution to avoid any falls or accidents.

Section 8: Exploring The Secret Room

Congratulations, you've made it to the secret room! As you step into the balcony office of the secret room, take a moment to appreciate the hidden beauty that lies within. In this room, keep an eye out for an OCP Crate. This crate contains not only the "Good eyes, Murphy!" achievement but also a powerful PCB for your Auto-9. Opening this crate will not only reward you with valuable loot but also serve as a testament to your keen detective skills.

Congratulations, you've successfully found the secret room and unlocked the "Good eyes, Murphy!" achievement in RoboCop Rogue City! It's no small feat to uncover such hidden secrets in a game, and your determination and perseverance have paid off. We hope this guide has been helpful in assisting you on your gaming journey. Keep exploring and enjoy the thrilling world of RoboCop Rogue City!